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Thursday, March 10, 2005

My Man Towel Has Returned (Ear Muffs, Brett)

So today was open dorm.

I enjoy open dorm, because you get to go see the backwardsness of the guy's dorm, smell all the awful guy smells (or the coverup cologne they sprayed frantically 10 minutes before we were allowed to go in), awake Scott and Matt from their slumber, and view all the strangenesses that come along with being a guy. Not to mention, they get to come see our freshly vacuumed, insanely organized shelves, and experience our freshmade beds. Plus, I always throw something on my computer, like Arrested Development, or American Dad. Last semester was very fun, but uneventful.

This semester was very similar, except I decided to make the guys at least a little uncomfortable (Brett, I'm serious, EAR MUFFS). Erin and I proudly put our tampon boxes on display, and I decided to hang up my erotic man towel, which is bascially a towel of a half naked early 90's guy in very tiny ripped shorts.

Most of the guys just laughed at it. But poor, poor innocent Piper. He was the last guy in our room, and we had about 25 minutes till supper, so I threw on another tv show. I was contently watching from my bed, and Daniel appeared to enjoy the episode as well, but he just couldn't stop staring at the towel that I had taped to the wall. He asked something like 'where did you buy it?'... but it was just too funny. He seemed intimidated by the towel.

Now, I know while this may be amusing for some, but Rebecca is likely laughing her ass off at this. You see, when we used to live together, our overnight guests (guys and girls) were required to use this towel if they didn't bring their own. It was a rule, like on Scrubs, if someone stayed with Turk and JD, they had to supply some tp. Oh the man towel rule....
Boorman used to complain about it... I'm pretty sure he started bringing his own towel.
And then there was the time that Stew stayed over when his apartment was getting painted... he actually woke me up to beg me to give him a different towel, lol. Luckily for him, the man towel was dirty. I mean, it had been used. Of course it's dirty.

That towel is a sign of singlehood. I'm sure I'll pass it down to the next deserving girl once I find my permanent other half, as my sister gave me that towel when she shacked up with Lynton. Besides, what man would let that towel sit on the towel rack? Not the kind who want women, that's for sure. I wish I had a picture of this towel. Why isn't Nicole around tonight with her digital camera, so I can display this picture in all its glory!!!!

Anyway, there's my story for the day.
Have a good night, guys!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Ahhh... the man towel!!! And all it's glory indeed! I did enjoy the times Ter, even if the people staying at our house did not, that really wasn't important. And you were right, I was laughing histarically! Send my regards to poor innocent Piper...