You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

My May

Well, it's been over a month since I got home. And it's flown by.

It's funny. I don't miss school at all. I mean, I miss the people. Nic, Jord, Joe, Eva and a bunch more... but I don't miss it. Don't worry, it's not like I'm not coming back. I know that God has called me to go to Bible college.. and if I stay here, I'll be working at sev for the rest of my life. We don't want that. I don't, Brett doesn't. My mom doesn't. It's just the way it is. So I guess it's 3 more years of school for this chick. But enough about that, it's summer holidays!

Work= frustrating. Sev is so bipolar. I've met some wonderful newbies there, and some not so wonderful ones. And all the classics are still there. There's been a few confrontations, but nothing I can't handle. Believe me, it takes a lot for me to lose it at work, and I've kept my cool so far.

New people I like:

Tina- she's a year older than me, married, and is pregnant with her third kid. We get along like two peas in a pod, and slightly fills the gap of my missing Tessa, whom I miss, and have spent all of like a day with... (tear)... anyway. I met Tina's kids this past week, and they're both adorable... we went for supper together, and had a blast. I love Tina.

Tracey- good times training in the kitchen. This girl is sharp, knows how to do her job, and isn't afraid to ask questions, and have some good talks.

Tamara- Crazy girl. She's graduating soon. Her and Tina are a deadly combination on a shift together. We have so much fun together. I get to train her in the kitchen tomorrow.

Candy- Again, another smart one. She doesn't need any guidance. That, and she fixed the priceguns!!!!

So these people make it worth going to work with, since I'm with at least one of these guys every night. Rochelle, Sue, Kim, Arla and Bert are all there too. I had a bit of a tiff with Bert to start off with, but we're better now, and things are going smoothly.

But there's been some confrontations, some frustrations, crappy hours, and my sickness of working for the company. So thus = JOB SEARCH.....

so far... unsuccessful. But a few hits. I had one interview, but apparently they found I was overqualified for this seemingly too perfect job. It's ok, I'm over it. I got a call from the city of Brandon the other day looking for an interview, but the woman I was suppsoed to call back was out of the office until tomorrow, so I'll be calling her in the morning. Another woman who owns a private day care is also interested in interviewing me.

It's funny, you apply for a million jobs, and you still get nothing! I'm at least thankful that I have sev to fall back on. I have income. So thanks to God for that.

hmmm... more May stuff....

There was the incredible Collective Soul concert. But I blogged about that.

OH! Times with Becca have been so much fun. We've been watching movies and doing stuff together. She's so awesome for letting me crash at her place. She's moving this week though, so I think I'll travel for a week or so.... Beck, you're so awesome, I love hanging with you!

There's been a small amount of Brett time in there too... mostly like saturdays and sundays before I get to work. But what can I do? I've been trying dear!

We played the relay for life concert this past friday, it was REALLY cold, but lots and lots of fun. We had a few technical difficulties, but our show was lots of fun, good fans and stuff... not quite a long enough set, but what can you do, right? I love playin with the boys.

church has been ok. i kind of feel like an outsider now that i'm back. i mean, i'm involved, but it's just odd... likely me, not them. i love people there though. it's good to see them, and it'll be even better when mike and tanya get back next week. so yeah. oh, I'm leading worship a few times this summer too. I don't know why, but I get so nervous about it. I love it, all of it. but i just get so jittery... weird.

i don't have much breaking news.... i should get going, it's late.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My Mom and Dad Could Beat Up Your Mom and Dad


My parents are the coolest parents on the planet! They really just are the standard that every other parent tries to reach. But they're untouchable.

1. My dad set up a VCR, and satellite dish in my room to tape the season finale of 24, because I was going to be home late that night, and would have missed it!
2. They provided me with a 27" tv in my room, and gave me the upstairs of the house to have as my own space.
3. They aren't charging me for rent or food for the summer so that I can save money for school.
4. They've been helping me along, because it's been a little tricky getting on my feet, and being able to afford travel and food costs.
5. My dad is so much fun to jam with.
6. You can talk to my parents about pretty much anything.
7. They don't wake me up!
8. They've been really supportive of me in my frustration to find a new job, and have even given tonnes of suggestions for places to apply.

so if you think you can top that, go ahead. but my parents will prevail. they're funny, they love God, and they love all of us kids. Thank God for parents!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

God is a Mad Scientist

So I drove home in a pondering mood tonight... well, it was more pensive, and lucky me, there's lightning everywhere!!!!

So I start thinking to myself....
I wonder if God is a mad scientist... we see the little shocks of electricity in the sky, as we would in Ren and Stimpy cartoons, while they were creating some monster in their lare... or laboratory if you will. You see the jolts and flashes... what is God conjuring up these days?

And then it starts to smell like rain. Rain brings change. Rain brings growth. Rain brings new life. These are all things that seem to be happening to me, and all around me. My family seems to be in a slight bit of... I don't know... crisitunity. You don't need to know the details, but I really think that God is looking to make some big changes. In my life, in my family, everywhere.

But the door to the lab is closed. We won't know what's going on until we see the tall cold steel of what is the Frankenstein of all plans for our lives.

Maybe it means a new job for me, or some good news for my brothers, something cool for my parents, excitement for Les and company.

I don't know, maybe it's just the fryer fumes getting into my lungs....

But change is good.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

My Awesome Experience and Frustration

Ok, I have good stuff and bad stuff. I'll start off with the bad stuff, so that you don't feel as depressed at the end of my post.

First off, I'd like to say, in the loudest, most frustrated Brodie scream as possible:


Job hunting is fricking frustrating. Last week, I had probably the best job interview I've ever been in. I had answers for any questions they threw at me, I showed that I was more than capable of doing the job, and I showed interest, was able to make conversation with my interviewers, etc. It was good. So I'm expecting good news... nope. The woman called me today, and told me that I was 'too overqualified for the position'. Which frustrates me. Because it was seemingly the perfect job for me. Good hours, shitty pay, but within walking distance of home, and the latest I'd work is 8pm. SWEET. But nope.

So it poses questions in my mind, since I've been praying about getting a good job for the summer.... has God doomed me to work this shitty job forever? It's just so frustrating! I feel like pulling out my hair. All I would really like is a job that lets me go home around suppertime, with an occasional weekend off... preferrably in Virden, but I'm not picky, I'll take what I can get.

What I have right now is a busy, stressful, exhausting, smelly job that lets me go home at 11 every night, and I always seem to work more than 5 days in a row, and only get weekends off if I book them, and it's against the rules to book all of them off. I never see anyone, unless they visit me at work, and my brothers come in like 3 times a week to see all the people I miss. Don't get me wrong, they visit me, and I love them for that, but once, just once, I'd like to be hanging out with them when they go to Brandon, instead of working.

Ty's friend Johnny has actually made it his mission to get me a better job (I guess I'd call him my friend too. He's pretty cool, tells it like it is, uses the F-word frequently. My kinda guy). So he met this chick that works at the Friendship Centre in Brandon, and she is willing to help me find something different. If that doesn't pan out, maybe I should consider become a waitress, Brett.

Anyway, enough ranting about the jobhunt, and onto the good stuff.

Yesterday will probably qualify for one of the most memorable days of 2005. That's right, Brett and I went to Collective Soul!

We stopped by the Perron's for supper, and it was so awesome to see all of them again, I haven't seen them in an eternity! I love those guys so much!

Then we headed off to Burton Cummings (sucks) Theatre to see the show. On an unusual note, we didn't sit waiting for like 45 minutes waiting for the first band to come on. I think they came on at like 7:45, and we got there at 7:30.

Anyway, the first band was The Waking Eyes, a local band from the 'Peg. They were fricking AWESOME. Find their website, and get the song Watch Your Money. They really put on an amazing show, and I was highly entertained, even though I didn't know any of the songs, except for the last one, which was a cover of the Beatles Come Together which was an impressive cover, might I add. Anyway, it turns out that their bass player went to BU at the same time that Brett did, and we got a chance to chat with the guys for a sec after the whole concert was done. I highly recommend that if you like music, find their cd, you won't be disappointed. Again, their name is The Waking Eyes.

After their set, we waited for about 20 minutes and on came Collective Soul. Fricking awesome. Brett was totally psyched too. I could tell. He's a pretty hardcore savage fan of them, even back in their early days. I must admit, I'm not as huge a fan as he is, but I know all their singles, and would never, ever change the radio station if they were on, and I'd sing along too ;). They played all their awesome old stuff, and most stuff from their new album too. All in all, I'd say they played for a good 2 hours. It's really hard to pick a favorite, but I'd have to say The World I know, Gel, Smashing Young Man, Shine and Heavy were some of my favorites. It was good stuff... oh Precious Declaration was really good too.

Phenominal show. They are awesome entertainers, and their new guitar player didn't seem to put a damper on the entertainment factor either. It's was smooth.

Now, Stew if you're reading this, I am seriously considering writing that book on concert etiquette.

let's go over some of the main points:
1. Wear a bra, don't sex up your man friend in front of the other concert goers, and sit in your fucking seat if you're on the balcony! This aging hipster in the row in front of us was dancing like a drunk monkey and blocking the view of the people beside us with her nasty stripper moves, while she rubbed up to the guys on either side of her. I had no idea which one she was with... later on I secretly placed bets on the guy to the left, but I guess I'll never know. The other woman that was in her group was very polite, and turned around to ask us if we could see with her standing. Our answer was an emphatic 'NO!'. Funny occurance: during one of the songs (I think it was the world i know) the guy beside us had had enough of this drunken idiot, and yelled at her "hey, sit in your fucking seat for at least one song!" I laughed my ass off.

2. don't get up fifty million times. We had a well behaved row it seemed, as we didn't have to stand to let people by at all during the concert. But I saw some people have to get up 2, 3, 4, even 5 times to let people out of their row DURING THE CONCERT. That's not cool. People pay good money to see these shows, not the back of your ass as you're passing by all night. Use the can between sets, and get your drinks too. Or at least wait until the end of the song.

3. Lighters are cool, but only if you're sober. I love lighters at a rock show... but some people are just scary with them if they've been drinking.

4. The encore is planned. Don't clap for it, it just builds the band's ego. Notice the stage is sill dark, and the houslights haven't gone up yet, and there's no house music. That means there's an encore.

That's all I have to rant about today. The concert was freakin phenominal. Brett, thanks so much for letting me be your plus one for the day. I had a complete blast, and I hope you did too!

Monday, May 16, 2005

My Feeble Attempt at an Update

Hey sorry to all you who check this looking for my insight, I am currently in Brandon and mine and Becca's place (I know, I don't live here anymore, but it's still my place!!!!!).

Working as sev here isn't all that much fun. It's ok, but not great. I have a lot of people to teach things, and a lot of people who aren't new who need to be kept in line. It's frustrating, because one night, I'll have like 5 people to keep busy, and then nights like last night, where I have one person on the floor, and I'm in the kitchen running around like a chicken with its head cut off because there aren't enough people to do the work that needs to be done.

But that was to be expected. That's why I was looking for a job in the first place. And I think I may have found one. I had an interview last week for the sweetest of all jobs. It starts late in the morning, ends fairly early in the evening, every other weekend off, not stressful at all, within walking distance of my parent's house. The pay isn't great, but I'd save so much money not having to travel back and forth that it would definitely be worth it. So be praying that I get this job, because I would be very happy with it! Yeah.

Staying with Becca is like good old times. We stay up late going for midnight lunches, and watching movies, and just chit-chatting. I forgot how much fun it is to live with Becca. Well, I'm not really living with her, just staying. But it's too much fun.

Oh, I finally got my VP cheque. Still waiting on the income tax forms to fill out to get my other cheque, but half way there isn't bad! Praise God!

Anyway, there's my life in a few paragraphs. I miss you all!

Friday, May 06, 2005

My Small Request

Hey guys!!!!

Terrin is starting to feel much better. Except she has no voice! Why is she talking in the third person??!?!!?

Yeah, anyways. No voice. NONE. I sound like a squeaky mouse when I try to talk. And my eyes water from time to time, so my dad makes fun of be because it looks and sounds like I'm having a meltdown. Not fair. But I'll get even. Who knows, maybe I passed this along to him. Just kidding. I wouldn't wish this on anyone! Take your vitamin C!!!!

Sorry these blogs are short and uninsightful, but being sick and working hasn't alotted me much time or capacity to think clearly. Anyway, semi-good news on the progress of these cheques. Lori from the Winnipeg sev office called today, and Elaine still hadn't sent out my VP cheque, which is almost 2 weeks overdue here. And it hasn't even been processed yet. GOSH, sev hires the dumbest people for HR! So Lori is investigating, and was supposed to get back to me, but never did. Stupid people, I tell you. I will be making more phonecalls, and harassing until I get every damned penny that I'm entitled to!!!!!

I also found out that my income tax was processed and mailed to my current address on March 30th. Which means that it's likely lost in the mail, and some hobo picked it up and cashed it by forging my signature. Or not. But at least it's been processed, and that means that I can call the government and say "WHERE THE F%$^ING HELL IS MY BLOODY MONEY!" (that was just for you, Nic). In regards to the title of this blog "My Small Request", your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help me find out who to call. The government website is a trecherous maze of confusion, with little phone numbers or contact addresses that would get me what I want. Does anyone have any advice? Savvy tax people, government secretaries, CPC students, Sev workers, friends and family are all invited to join me on this excursion. The winner will be announced as king, and will get a shiny penny from me, as well as a year's supply of baking soda.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

My Update

Well, well, well.

I still feel as though I've been hit by a truck, but things seem to be improving for me. I can breathe through my nose agan, and I don't think I've coughed for a couple of hours now. So hopefully I get my voice back soon, and things will be a-ok!

I don't really have much else to say. Work has been ok, lots of new people there to train, I suppose. Time seems to be going in slow motion. I don't know why. Maybe I'm hallucinating. Who knows.

Why is it taking so long for cheques to come in? If someone knows any magic spells to get my income tax and vacation pay cheques here faster, please let me know!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My Trip to the Hospital

Hey guys, it's been a while!

Not much exciting has been going on lately, and I haven't really been around any computers to keep you updated. This week has been pretty normal. I started working at sev again on Sunday, and it's been fairly uneventful. Aside from work, I went to Brett's end-of-the-tax-season party. Accountants seem to know how to rip it up! It was nice to be able to put faces on everyone too, because I usually hear a few things about people, so now at least I know what they look like.

I guess you're likely wondering about the title of the blog... yes, I went to the hospital. I woke up at about 5 am this morning, and I seem to have developed this nasty cold in the period of like 24 hours, and I couldn't breathe, so my mom took me to the hospital, and they gave me this nebulizer thingy to help clear my airways. I have to go to the doctor later today to see if I can get some drugs or something. I'm not the hugest fan of hospitals, but we were only there for a little while. Today I feel like I've been hit by a truck. It totally sucks! I just thought I had a few minor allergies, you know, runny nose and stuff... but it seems to have escalated quickly, and all three of my brothers seem to be sick as well. I hope none of you have to go through that! Not being able to breathe is the worst feeling in the world.

Anyway, I hope I get better soon, but until then, I'll be lying in my bed watching downloaded tv shows.

until next time...