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Friday, March 11, 2005

My Favorite Thing

Me and Mr. Posted by Hello

This picture actually says a lot about a few of my favorite things:
-For starters, I'm playing guitar, which is an obvious favorite.
-I'm also singing, which I also love to do with my guitar.
-I'm wearing a led zeppelin tshirt. Zeppelin rules!
-I'm wearing emo glasses and wrist cuffs.

There's just something I like about this picture... don't ask why, I just do!


Anonymous said...

Give credit where credit is due.


carramrod said...

Yes Nicole, you took a very hot picture. Becca and I greatly appreciate the picture. Well, one of us more than the other I suppose...

Pastor Sheldon said...

That's a sweet picture. haha wouldn't it be really creepy if I told you that I was setting that as my desktop?