You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Friday, April 28, 2006

My Week of Holidays is Almost Up

Wow. What a "holiday"!

It's been a busy week methinks. Don't get me wrong, I've slept in just aobut every day, and spared enough time to watch my Dr. Phil just about everyday, but it just feels like this week has flown by, and now it' s time to ge my car packed up and ready to go to Winnipeg.

Monday was spent driving into Winnipeg with Nicole. She had some orientation stuff for her job in The Pas to go to, and I had a meeting with the pastor at the church I'll be at until January. It was probably the most memorable 'interview' I've ever been to.

First things first, I am usually so nervous for interviews that I can barely talk. It's just such an intimidating experience that I have trouble even finding my own words. I usually take hours and hours obsessing over what I'm going to wear and what I will say, and figuring out which questions they will ask.

But not this time! It was a good'un. We actually had most of the interview in the Emergency Room at Health Sciences Center! Of all places to have an interview! It actually turns out that Fishey's mom was in a minor car accident and had been waiting upwards of 5 hours to see a doctor in emerg, so we went to go see how she was doing, and we talked about the summer there. I had a good chance to ask questions, and to hear a little bit of what is going to happen for the summer there. I can't wait until it gets started!

Tuesday I spent the whole bloody day cleaning upstairs and in my new room down on the main floor. I went through all of my storage stuff and organized it so that it was alone in the small room upstairs, ready to go to the basement once it's cleared out and ready to go. I also did another billion loads of laundry... laundry never seems to end I tell you!

Wednesday I was a little bored, but I took my grandma out to run an errand, and then I mowed her grass... in shorts!!!!! The only pair I own, actually... which brings us to Thursday...

Mom and I went shopping!!!! I only have one pair of shorts that I got from the free box at school... so mom and I went on an extravaganza where she spoiled me with Warehouse One shorts and tshirts. I have such nice parents! I forgot to take my guitars in to Surridges though. GRR!!!! I totally forgot to do that! My acoustic needs a setup so bad, and my acoustic bass needs to get something fixed on it. AGH! I can't believe I forgot to take them in!

All well... I guess I can go a while without getting them fixed.... I want to get my acoustic bass sold anyway! (any takers????)

What else.....

I'm still trying to sell my desktop computer. I know of someone who may be interested in the tower... so if that sells, I have a wireless keyboard and mouse set, along with a 17" monitor, and a great altec lansing speaker/subwoofer set for sale....

I have been in love with the Stanley Cup Playoffs all week. I've seen at least one game every night! I must say that Ottawa is still a big favorite of mine... I watched a bit of the Montreal game on Monday and saw the whole thing on Wednesday. Jeremy, my prayers are with you and Sakku Koivu. Go Sens!

Sunday is Pastor Mike's last day... I think that's going to be tough. But at least I'll get to see everyone one last time before I take off as well. I am definitely going to miss going to the Dwelling Place for the next 8 months! All well... I'm sure January will be here a lot faster than I anticipate!

Ok.. try to make this the last paragraph! I have no idea exactly what's going to be panning out over the summer! All I know is that it's very exciting! So keep me in your prayers, because I'm basically scared out of my wits, because I have no idea what to expect! I can't wait to get to the Perron's though. I know I will have a total blast with them folks!!!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My Grad Photos!!!

Huzzah for pictures!!!!!!!!

feel free to steal these, they're all yours folks!

Monday, April 17, 2006

For Becca

i took this on the way back to saskatoon on sunday eve...


My Distaste for Deodorant and Towels

I seem to dislike deodorant and towels. I forgot to pack them both. That makes for an interesting morning combination, I tell you! You see, you could probably forget any other two items, and be fine, but deodorant and a towel seems to be the only two non-negotiables in my world.

Let's look at other things I could have left at home:

one pair of underwear- doesn't make a big deal, since I packed another 6. I can wash those!
toothbrush- I have on of those here already
contact solution- I have glasses (though I do have a good story about contacts that I'll tell at the end of the post)
toothpaste- steal someone else's from teh bathroom
makeup- don't wear it everyday anyway
face wash- we have soap in dispensers here if worse came to worst
moisturizer- may be important, but not as big a necessity
comb- have a crazy hair day!
shampoo/conditioner- meh. i rarely wash my hair anyway... i have elastic bands here anyway

i can't think of anything else.
this was the worst morning ever!

on a funnier note, i have a good story to tell you about the other night at home.

you see, i spent the afternoon and a good part of the evening with my lovely brett, and he dropped me off at about 11 pm manitoba time. so i chatted with mom and dad for a few minutes and they tell me that my sister and her hubby are at my brothers' house, so i proceed to hang out with them until about 1 am. i then settle in my bedroom at mom and dad's and get my new laptop up and running so i can watch an episode of 24. I set my contact case on the edge of the laptop for after i go to the bathroom and get into my jammies.

i stand up, and the case goes flying onto the floor. where's the one place it lands? the register... the uncovered register.... no big deal, i go out to my car and get my solution, and grab one of my many cases from the bathroom. i notice that it's already about 1:30, and if i want a good sleep AND an episode of 24, i need to hussle. so i squirt some solution into my case and rip out my lenses and head to bed.

yesterday, about halfway home, i relieved an itch on the corner of my eye, only to find this horrid yellowish goop in BOTH my eyes. yep, they're infected. I didn't take the extra 4 seconds that it takes to clean out my lense case with hot water. so now my eyes are permapink. they look awful, and they're very itchy. and i left my eyedrops at home. eyedrops are not cheap either, so i'm probably just going to suffer in my glasses all week.

i hate my life!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Cute Niecies and Nephew!

Well, it's been a week since I posted, and I figured that instead of my sister giving me the second degree for neglecting my blogging duties, I would post some pictures (you know... the cop out post!)

I would have to say the number one news article for this week is that I am getting a new niece or nephew in November! My cousin Breyan just found out she is expecting! She already has a little boy named Jace who just turned 2 this week! He's a little cutie! Unfortunately, I don't have any recent pictures of him, so you're just going to have to imaging one of the cutest little boys you've ever seen, and then imagine him about 3 times cuter!

So my sister came to visit this weekend with the family in tow, and we had a couple of photo ops, so here are some of the pics!!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

My Assignments Are Done!!!!

Well guys, it's the last week of classes!
Assignments are finished with, and now I only have to face final exams until that sweet release.... SUMMER!

But enough of all that. Three weeks will come faster than I'm sure I've estimated they will.

Today we had to do our Bible study things for Principles of Teaching class, and I must say, I got a lot out of the presentations that Matt and I gave. I kind of wish some of the classes were more geared to presenting stuff to our classmates, instead of just writing essays. It's good to have discussions and look at the Bible and stuff. Matt did a really cool study on 'innerancy of Scripture, which is what I did my sys theo essay on coincidentally, lol.

I did my presentation study on raising children, based on the shemah in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. It talks about getting the Word into your heart, and then getting it into your kids'.

Becca and I were talking a few weeks ago about giving children bad names, and although it doesn't directly relate to what I talked about today, we both agree that you should have to get some sort of license to have children. It makes sense to me.

If you want to drive, you take a bunch of tests and then a road test to be able to drive. If you want to get married, you spend time dating someone and then you go through marriage counselling, and get all sorts of advice before signing a license. But with children, it's different. Any average Joe out there can have kids (though, Joe Kendrick, I'm not saying this directly to you... you're more than average lol), and do whatever they wish with them, which is very hit and miss. So many kids out there are scarred by their parents' lack of preparation to have kids.

What does it take to raise Godly children? How do you introduce Jesus to them? How do you discipline them? What is the correct philosophy to raise them? Is there a 'right' way and a 'wrong' way? (no rootbeer in a bottle, right Sheldon?) What kind of affect do we want to have on our children? What do we want them to grow up to be? How do we want them to influence the world? So many questions go unanswered. I think that churches should teach classes on raising children... or something. Or pregnancy counselling... I just don't understand why a church would prepare a couple for marriage, but not parenthood.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm baby crazy, or any kind of crazy... (though I may or may not be)...
But shouldn't we think more about this kind of stuff? Girls spend eternities planning their weddings and how their marriages will be (though sometimes we girls get carried away with 'happily ever after' weddings, and don't consider the after-the-wedding part). We spend tonnes of time mulling over our education, pouring money into educating ourselves so that we can get good careers.... They say that it takes as much energy as another full-time job just to be a stay at home mom... shouldn't we have some sort of training in that, too?

Anyway, please comment, as I'm interested in what everyone else's thoughts on the subject are....

I have concluded a few things in all this mess though:
1. I will definitely be preparing myself for how I want to raise kids- Big time.
2. The Bible is full of nuggets of advice... perhaps I should look into how God wants me to raise my future (and far into the future, at that) kids
3. Raising kids isn't just a 'take problems as they come' type of thing- you need to have a mission and goals for your kids and yourself as a parent!
4. There is no such thing as a 'perfect parent'. Every person comes into adulthood with some degree of baggage. The goal is to raise Godly kids! Not perfect ones (guidepost magazine poster children need not apply [i think only rebecca is going to get this])

Anyway, for my final thoughts,

1. I would love to say that even though my parents weren't perfect, I love them greatly, and marvel at how they managed to raise 5 (plus some other people's kids) children to be so independant and Christ-like. I only hope to be as good as them.

2. Leslee and Lynton, I have a lot of respect for how you are raising your children in the church. Keep up the good work!

3. I am glad I don't have any kids yet. THERE IS NO BABY FEVER OR BIOLOGICAL CLOCK TICKING HERE!!!!!! (really... this has only been on my mind because I had to do my final assignment on it).

4. To all my friends who are new parents: my prayers are with you (and not in the scary way... just in the supportive way)
