You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Monday, October 31, 2005

My "Friend" and Halloween

Well, I've been telling myself that I need to sit down and write an actual blog for some time now. And now that Sheldon thinks he's the blogmaster or something, it's time to start up some friendly competition. So I'm going to tell you a story of a very sheltered girl.

You see, this girl's parents didn't believe Halloween was a very good holiday. She was not allowed to go trick-or-treating, she was not allowed to colour pictures of ghosts and goblins at school, she was not allowed to carry around a UNICEF box, and most of all, she was not allowed to spend Halloween at her school.

At first, the girl really didn't mind it. Afterall, a day off school seemed like fun. But then she discovered what she was missing! She didn't dress up for Halloween until she was 18 years old! How sad is that? She did get to go trick-or-treating once. And she lived in a small enough town to only just hear about Hallelujah nights. What the heck. This girl feels gipped.

This girl is me. :(

I wish I got to experience Halloween as a kid. No matter how evil people say it is. I don't think it really is. It's become a commercial holiday. I know, I know, some people are like "But all this evil crap happens". I'm not doing any of it. I just want candy, and lots of it! I want to dress up like Britney Spears, or slutty Frankenstein or something. But that won't be happening this year. I have homework to do. The Holy Spirit and I need to write my Homoletics Manuscript. All well. My kids will be able to, that's for shizzle! It's a right of passage, a part of childhood. You're an outcast! Belive me! Anyway, enough of my miniranting. I'm done for.

Friday, October 28, 2005

My Exam Update

Well, I haven't received all of my midterm marks, but here's a quick update for those of you keeping score:

English Lit= 84%
Tech For Min= 86%
Homiletics= 87%
Understanding Human Behavior= 90%

Sorry, no marks yet for Wisdom Lit or Ministry to Worship Arts Community.
I sure hope my parents are posting these on the fridge, because I don't think I've ever done this well.

Oh, and Jana is still angry with me. Sorry Jana. You sure showed me on that Braga book though!!!! You beat me!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My New Alarm Clock!

Isn't she pretty? Yeah, it looks a little like a space ship. But I have better news! I won't be sleeping like I'm at the circus anymore!!!!!! HUZZAH! Allow me to show you what that little circle thing does on the side there. It's a projector! YES! No more having to look up at the clock to see the time, because it will be projected on the wall. Now, it's quite bright in here right now, so I took the liberty of taking a photo of the projection inside a cardboard box, just so you can get an idea of the awesomeness that I will experience from this day on:
So there you have it. My new alarm clock may not be blue or cool looking. But it won't light up my room like some circus anymore, and I will have cured my insomnia. I hope. I haven't had a good sleep since Saturday. Maybe I should go take a nap.

Oh, ps, I don't have a picture or anything, but I got 86% on my Tech for Min midterm, for those of you keeping track. And yes, I did better than Jana again. She still has 4 exams to kick my ass on though.

Monday, October 24, 2005

My Poor Sensitive Eyes!

The battle of brightness has begun.

First, since my first slumber here at school this year, I have realized that my bed is in the wrong spot. I wake up every morning to the bliding affects of the sun, and although I greatly appreciate the tranquilness of my fortress of solitude, this is the one aspect I can't stand about my little home away from home.

So why don't you re-arrange your room, Terrin?

Funny you should ask that. I did re-arrange. And it was everything a girl could dream of, until a horribly unfortunate and fateful trip to Wal-Mart.

You see, we were perusing the electronics section, and came across some cool alarm clocks. Some were big, so people with bad eyesight could see it from acroos the room, there was another cool one that projected the time directly on the wall, and another one. The one I bought. It's blue, it's big, and it looks cool.

So I set up this saucy little feature, excited about not having to wake up with the sun blinding my eyes in the morning. I put on my pj's and rolled on into bed, and was very excited to fall asleep. But this didn't happen! Why? There was no bloody darkness for me to fall asleep in! It turns out that this alarm clock must have been designed for those afraid of the dark, because it emits this supersonic 'blue haze' with it's powerful lcd lights. It's like sleeping in a room with Ralph Wiggum.

This alarm clock has to go! It's so cool looking though!
Check it out: that blue stuff underneath is an optional blue light, and it looks ubercool.

But alas, I have lost two night's worth of sleep, and I don't believe that having a cool alarm clock is worth that much sleep. So it will go back to the store, or be regifted to someone. I'm getting that one that projects on the wall, and then I'm gonig to point it at the ceiling. It's red. And normal looking.


oh, and PS:

in case you can't read it, it's my english literature midterm. I got an 84. This was my scariest exam.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Busy Week!

Well... business really is no excuse for not blogging, but I'm using it anyway. Plus, I'm also procrastinating at the same time. It's amazing what you'll get done while you're trying to avoid studying for exams!

This week at CPC we have our beloved midterms. I am especially blessed, as I have the wonderful opportunity to write six of them! How glorious!

This morning I wrote Understanding Human Behavior, and in about an hour or so I will be writing Wisdom Literature.

Tomorrow leads off with Technology for Ministry and Homiletics.

And Friday I have English Literature and Ministering to Worship Arts Community.


Anyway, there's a measly update for you. I added a couple of new links to my blog, as I got sick of having to find them in other people's links. Jeremy's blog is quite a gooder, as he does cool devotional things for his little YFC'ers. He actually has quite a few good thoughts, so if you like interesting reads, go for it.

Justin Vadizzle is also really cool, and he is quite the X-Treme biker... or whatever you want to call it.

Brett, I'll be procrastinating sometime tonight, and I'll likely sign in on MSN or something... I miss you!

What else? Not much. Sorry if you feel like I've fallen off the face of the earth or something... but life has been so supercrazygonuts that I sometimes feel there aren't enough hours in the day! Oh dear.

Anyway, I have to get back to my studies. Have a lovely day, everyone!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My Day in A Short Haiku Series

sun blinds beauty's eyes
alarm sounds for day's renew
it is time to rise

dark hall shelters sight
stumbling like way of the night
"good morning Nicole"

hot shower's indulge
dressed in old favorites, behold
put on foot garments

check my mail, now see
no lover has returned call
I sigh, sit in wait

haze, off to chapel!
where I sit, hear, respond, sleep.
I need some hot Tim's.

But alas, I stay.
technology still calls out
off to one more class

I've heard this before
sometime in the distant past
I know what this is!

But I will endure
a price paid for returned mark
work still must be done

off to lunch; eat, talk
secrets told and time to bond
tuna on brown bread

afternoon's free spent
to study and fellowship
work makes me look smart

now alone, free time
abounds to what seems no end
no new email, sad.

and now, hence to blog
waiting for response in verse
a haiku returned!

Monday, October 03, 2005

My Choice Coffee Conversion Confession

Can Canadian coffee casually concern consumers, commencing codependant courtship?


Friends, I have a confession to make.

Tim's doesn't do it for me anymore. I've decided to drink the Lord's coffee, and enter into the sacred sainthood, that precious coffee that is from St. Arbuck himself.

I blame Joe. And Jordan. And Jana. And especially Nicole.

I promise you, coffee sweetened with honey is delicious. Oh dear. I've become a coffee snob.

Someone kill me!