You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Friday, February 24, 2006

My Boredom on a Lonely Friday

All of these are in no pacticular order.

7 Things I would like to do before I die:

1. Visit every continent in the world!!!
2. Get Married
3. Have Children
4. Try something completely out of character (like scuba diving, or base jumping, or learn gymnastics or interpretive dance or something!!!)
5. Be the only one in a public movie theatre (besides those I am with)- Nicole and I were so close when we went to see Valiant... stupid mom and her little kid!
6. Write a book or a cd or something. I'm not much of a writer, so this is a massive task
7. Master one instrument without getting tired of it and then learning something brand new (eg: piano, trumpet, guitar, bass, drums and piano again.)

7 Things I can't do (yet):
1. buy my own furniture
2. have my dream career
3. look down from a high place without my feet tingling
4. play an instrument in front of loved ones (especially Brett) without getting really nervous and flustered
5. go on the internet while i'm in the bathroom (that will be fixed soon when tax time comes around)
6. play 2m7, 57, 1M7 in the chord cycle for piano lessons
7. listen to rap music. (i hope i never can)

7 Things that i'm into at the moment
1. Curios George
2. Practising piano (sorry for all the piano comments, I just got out of my lesson)
3. Planning things with Nicole like the "A Call to Die" blog, and coming up with ideas for the new school name
4. Emailing Brett and not getting any response, but continuing to email in hopes that he will. (even though it's tax season, and i'm sure he's either out of the office or totally swamped and stressed. but hey, maybe he gets a laugh out of it)
5. Trying to spend my cash better, and also trying to come up with ways to afford my way through this semester without having to go crawling back to 7-Eleven.
6. drinking iced tea when i start craving starbucks (ok, i caved today and went to Tim's but that's partly because it was F-f-f-freezing in the chapel, and i had TWO classes in there, and it was a chance to chat with Joe for a bit on the walk there)
7. Listening to really quiet, somber worship like music and thinking, reading the Word or talking to God. It's very peaceful, and it beats just surfing the web.

7 Things that I'd like to get into or get into more:
1. The Word
2. Prayer/fasting
3. Exercise
4. Making more friends, especially since i might only have Nicole for maybe another semester, then I'll be on my own during my internship and my last year :S
5. Having Biblical conversations with my closer friends. It doesn't happen nearly enough
6. Leading more worship/not feeling so apathetic about playing drums all the time (even though about a year ago, it was like heaven to get to play drums.
7. Making better investments and life choices.

7 Things I say most often:
1. i'll have a venti earl grey misto, extra hot with whip please
2. nicole, my wallet hurts!
3. why hasn't he responded???
4. i am in love with the olympics!
5. you gotta get under that teaching
6. jana, you left _____ at/in _____
7. please practise your drums!!!

7 Cd's I could listen to over and over: (as you can tell, I'm bad with album titles)
1. Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
2. Foo Fighters (any album but 1x1)
3. Hillsong- Blessed and You Are My World
4. Michelle Branch- Hotel Paper (again, and again, and again! i LOVE this cd)
5. Third Day - Time
6. DC Talk- Jesus Freak and Supernatural
7. Billy Talent

7 Movies I watch Over and Over:
1. Josie and the Pussycats
2. Curious George (even though I've only seen it once, i know i'm buying it when it comes out!)
3. Anchorman
4. The Princess Bride
5. Ocean's Eleven
6. Be Cool
7. Zoolander

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Nicole Made Me


So. David Nasser. A Call to Die.

Who's in?

Here's the 'deets' (as my hip friends would call them):

WHAT: We're doing a very very cool devotional book written by David Nasser called "A Call To Die". It consists of a 40 day fast from something you hold dear so that you can become more intimate with God. Here's what David Nasser's website says about the book: " A book/journal focusing on what it means to live for Christ by daily dying to self. For 40 days, the reader will fast from the world to feast on God.

WHO: Anyone wanting to fast as a group, to be accountable, to have a great start to the summer, and plot your plans for world domination with a clearer conscience, and maybe lose a bit of weight if you decide to fast those rice cakes (they're so fattening... but so good!!!!)

WHERE: You'll be doing the book and devotions on your own, but we are going to have an online community blog thing where you can share in your journey, and keep in contact with your friendly friends at CPC. By the way, I've seen the book. Those of you who like nice looking books will get your very own gorgeous copy.

WHEN: The devotional will start at the very end of the school year/beginning of summer. We decided that this time would be best because:

1. you don't have to read books for school during the summer, silly!

2. the summer can be a difficult time, as you can get out of the habit of devotions, and it can be hard to stay accountable if you don't have solid Christian influences in your life.

3. I never got a single letter from any of you, excpet Nicole Kastrukoff. I want more mail!!!!!!!

HOW: You can sign up for this by contacting Terrin or Nicole by March 15th 2006 at 12 midnight. The book can only be ordered from David Nasser's website (what Christian bookstore would sell a book about dying anyway?) as a bulk order so we can maximize our savings on SHIPPING!!!!! The book will cost you approximately 25-29 dollars, depending on who signs up. (Matt, yours is automatically $29, just for making me wait an extra week to watch 24!)

I personally think that it's going to be a great opportunity for growth, and a great time to get to know each other and stay strong during the summer.

If you're interested in signing up, you can leave a comment on mine or Nicole's blog, or talk to us directly.

If you want more information about the book, check out David Nasser's website, talk to Jordan McLellan (he's currently going through it), or email Nicole or myself at

terrinhay@gmail.com or kastrukoff@gmail.com



Monday, February 20, 2006


I wasn't a fan of the last entry... so I deleted it. Sorry guys.

Anyway, on some less interesting topics, I got my midterms back, no real surprises. I am quite satisfied with my marks. The dorm rooms are so hot I think I'm dying.

Anyway, Nicole is busy as a beaver giving her blog a fresh spring look, and I think I might do the same in the near future as well.

How are you all doing? The comments section on my blog has been quite lonely you know.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Wish to All My Friends!

Hey guys!

It's Valentine's Day!

To all my 'coupled/married' friends, I wish you a wonderful day where you can reflect upon and celebrate the relationship that you and your loved-one share!

To my single friends, I wish you a Happy Single's Awareness Day (which, ironically, can be acronymned as S.A.D.).

I know I blogged last year about how absurd the expense of Valentine's Day truly is, but I do have a newfound hope in romance. Maybe I'm turning high maintenance or something. But enough of my aspirations of white or pink roses (and yes, that could be a hint for one of you out there...), I have really come to talk about a different kind of love.

That's right, the love that Christ offered to us with the horrifically moving event that took place on the Cross.

While it in no way could really be seen as a thing of beauty in the eyes of anyone who would have been alive to witness that event, I have really come to an understanding in my own personal relationship with Jesus that the very event of the Cross could very well be considered the most romantic thing I've ever seen (of course, this would be in the nonsexual way).

Now, I'm going to do a bit of Nasser stealing right now (and might I add a shameless plug: A Call to Die- April 2006, who's in???). I heard a quite simple sermon about Ephesians 2, where Paul tells us all about becoming alive in Christ.

Jesus loved us so much that he literally created a way to give us Spiritual mouth-to-mouth so that we could no longer suffer. Now, I realize that the epitomy of romance for people my age about 9 years ago would have been that scene in Titanic where Jack lets Rose sit on that door(... or was it a piece of driftwood?) so that she could survive the wreck, but Jesus really takes the cake here. Because of His death, I am now alive in Him! WOO HOO!

I'm also reminded of that scene in Narnia where Aslan offers his life for Edmund's. I almost cried (whoever doesn't believe Narnia is a Christian allegory needs to be slapped!). Edmund did everything short of sleeping with the white witch, and I'm sure he would have likely done that as well, had he been older, and as a traitor, he was to be sentenced to death. Aslan, a King who was pure of heart, humbly offers himself to pay the consequence of death in Edmund's place.

Anyway, I think the point I'm trying to make here is that if you haven't given Jesus a chance, or have given up on Him altogether because some experience left a bad taste in your mouth, you really should look at the facts:

1. You are a sinner (romans 3:3)
2. You are condemned to hell because your sins have seperated you from God (romans 6:3)
3. Jesus, as a perfect sacrifice, was subjected to a horrific death, and then conquered death itself, making it possible for man to be reconciled with God (good ol' John 3:16)
4. In order to be in on it (and by "it", I mean "staying out of hell"), you need to believe it (in your heart, not your head). (romans 10:9)

Now, I must add that simply believing in Jesus like you once believed in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy probably isn't going to cut it (even demons and satan himself acknowledge who Jesus is). It's a heart thing. In New Testament times, believing in Jesus meant a total life change, you would be welcomed into an entirely new Church family! It meant falling in love with God (i.e. reading your Bible, praying, fasting, giving to the poor, etc!), and living a life in the mindset that you are now alive in Christ- not dead because of the world. So, if you're interested in becoming a Christian, don't think of it as filling out an application form to join the Legion... this is a life-changing experience!

For those of us who do believe-

1.I totally encourage you to dig deeper right now (don't put it off for some other time), find out who God is to you, and why you love Him so much

2. Encourage another believer! As the church, we're called to encourage each other and build each other up, not tear each other down!

3. Share the gospel with someone. It really is good news, and there isn't one good excuse you could tell me that would let you off the hook for this one!

4. Never stop showing the world the love that God has extended to us!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

(my) PART TWO'D!!!!!

Well, let's see what we learned in our last blog:

1. Babies kick ass
2. Waffles under cars kick ass
3. The Waking Eyes kick ASS
4. Grabbing my ass doesn't kick ass.

all caught up? Good!

I wouldn't say I am willing to share with you the most intimate details of the day, but I will say that Brett's grad was definitely a good time. The ceremony was fairly short (just a little over 2 hours for over 50 grads... compared to the 3 hour service we'll likely have to endure in April for our... what? 8 grads... 9 tops). The whole Brandon gang looked quite snappy in their business suits as well, I must say. Plus, some foreign guy's name was JAG!!!! hahahahaha.

I didn't look to overly fancy for the event, I just wore a pink shirt with my omni-skirt (omni is a word, isn't it, Brett...). But yes, twas a nice afternoon. We got to have tea and teensy sandwiches after the ceremony. I was addicted to these green wrap things that had cheese in the middle. I'm a sucker for cheese.

Oh, I should mention that during the guest speaker, some people, likely a couple of years younger that were sitting behind me were laughing hysterically for some reason. I don't think Brett's parents were too impressed... but... they were a little funny. They stopped when they started handing out the... thingies. What were they handing out actually? I think they got some sort of poster, and a big folder with a piece of paper in it. Yeah, that's it.

Anyway, sorry this blog is so random. I spent the night watching (not actually doing) pilates videos with Stef and Nicole... and we ate a lot of fruit. And Nicole kicked me.

So the evening!

After the ceremony, we hung out in the hotel room and Brett and his parents talked to his little sister, Cali, who was having her 21st birthday on the very same day, all the way in Alabama! Happy Birthday, Cali! (I'm always so paranoid that I spelled her name wrong. I mean, I know a Kali (and hers is pronounced kay-lee), and my little brother's name is Calan. Oh dear, I just know it's going to get worse some day).

So yeah, just hanging out basically. Then we got dressed. Brett and his Dad had some very snappy tuxes, and his mom looked quite lovely as well (she has a butane curling iron... I've never seen one of those before!).

We then went to the MNP hospitality room for free booze and some socializin (though I didn't drink, I promise!), and the company made a presentation to the five grads. Well, I think there were seven, but five of them were from the Brandon office.

We talked for some more, and then went upstairs to the main ballroom for supper, which was delicious! I wish I had room for all of it though. Nothing beats a good steak with trimmin's. And cheesecake for dessert.

A bunch more speeches were made, and then a dance took place. The rest of the night was spent either in the hospitality room, or the ballroom, and we made our rounds with Brett's buddies, as well as Lindsey and Laine (again... forgive incorrect spelling if I misspelled).

Near the end of the night, we danced a little bit (we really should do that more often... why don't we????), and I think I made it back to the Perron's at about 2.

Some funny sidenotes:

-Pete or Peter.. the guy sitting next to Brett sure likes his red wine, and was a very entertaining guy to listen to during our meal.
-The drummer in the live band they had at the dance was tons 'o fun
- Basically everyone except Brett, Jey, and some guy whose phone number is 990-BUCK were either engaged or married. It was quite amusing
-Accountants really know how to party
-There was too much cutlery to count at my setting, and I only used 1 of my three goblets... for water.
-The Fairmont is gorgeous. A FRICKEN BELHOP!
-I didn't take many pictures because I was busy enjoying the evening
-Brett's presenter, Meaghan, reminds me of a cross between Tina McTavish and Vicki Heasler (both of which I enjoy very much, so don't worry Meaghan, you're alright!)
-I think the parkade attendant thought I was drunk when I was leaving the hotel because driving Brett's car is much different than driving mine, and I accidentally rolled down the back window when I was trying to give him my stub
-I didn't realize that I drove all the way to Felicia's with the window rolled down, and almost went into the house :S
-I was very scared that my cleaveage was going to fall out of my dress and kept sneaking looks at myself to make sure I wasn't pulling a Tara Reid.

Now, the moment you've actually been waiting for (or those of you too lazy to read... the moment that you scrolled down).......


Brett and Meaghan- she has fraternal twins, and lots of stories!

Brett looks a little surprised in this pic... but I dug the tux :)

Brett and Gail's sister, Corrinne... S'toon and family... you have no idea who Gail is :S

Black and white cuteness. It's just an irresistible picture :D

This isn't the greatest picture... my eyes are half closed!!! Brett's mom got a better one

More close-ups

Brett's cohorts at MNP Congratulations, guys!
The guy on the very left is Lee Bass... he's not one of the five
But from Lee on are:

Julie, Brett, Jey, Mike and Melissa!

I just had to post a pic of the ballroom. It was pretty cool.

Now that I post these pictures... I realize that I never got any pictures of Brett's parents (they looked so nice), or Brett with his parents... or Brett with Lindsay and Laine... or more closeups of Brett and the other UFE grads from MNP... I guess I can't change that now though, eh?

But the memories live on!

Way to go, Brett, I'm proud of ya!!!!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

My Weekend in Winnipeg with Brett

Well, I have a few minutes to spare.

Winnipeg was so much fun, and I'm so exhausted from the whole ordeal, but it was well worth it!

I got home on Wednesday night and hung out with my parents for Thursday as well. I basically got up at noon, showered, watched Dr. Phil and played piano all day long. Funny sidenote, I went to Timothy Beans because I was craving an Italian Soda, and their debit machine went down, so since they already had my drink made up, I got it for free... talk about favor!

Friday, I woke up early and headed into Brandon to visit my best friend Tessa and her new baby girl, Jennifer Robyn. She's quite the little cutie! I also had a nice chat with Tessa and it was really nice to see her again. Hopefully we'll visit some more when I get home for reading week. Anyway, here are some pictures of that event (Jennie looks just like her uncle Nolan!)

Me and Jennifer

Mommy and baby

Jennifer Robyn Klein

At lunchtime, I had to take off and pick up the boy, and we went out for lunch at Arby's. Why doesn't anyone like that place? I mean, how can you go wrong with liquid cheese, bbq sauce and roast beef? You can't, that's how! Anyway, just as we were leaving, Brett had to go freshen up, so I was waiting by the door, and lo and behold: a waffle was sitting under a tire in the parking lot... This picture alone could pay for my camera!:

Waffle Tire????

Anyway, after lunch, we headed into Winnipeg and listened to Nicole's superawesome mix (that I
accidentally left in Brett's car!!! GRRR!), and went to the Perron's to hang out for a bit. In the evening, we killed like a whole disc of Full House, and watched Muppets in Space. What a night! Well, after that we went to some bar called The Pyramid to go see Brett's alltime favorite band of all time- The Waking Eyes!!!

Some band called The Morning After opened for them, and they were actually quite good too (we missed the first band... the first band always sucks anyways). I think I would probably buy a Morning After cd just to see if I liked them better. Anyway, it was quite entertaining, because we got pretty much to the front after the second band was done, because people were busy getting drinks. God bless the covenant! So yeah, the Waking Eyes were even better live than I remembered, and they played a bunch of new songs, did some jamming and had a good old fashioned time in their hideous suits. Brett and the band's bass player, Joey were at BU at the same time, so Brett went and said hi to him, and Felicia and I hung around, trying not to be groped by people there, and gosipping over this one girl who definitely wanted to get laid that night.

During the concert, my ass kept getting grabbed too. Not impressed. But what can you do, right? If you go to a bar at 12am, expect some ass grabbing to happen. Here's some cool pictures from the evening:

Fellow Attenders to the concert

Rusty, in his southern Sunday-Best with a green tie

Joey playing the double bass

Felicia and I

Rusty playing the trumpet during the last song, Joey in the background

Beer bottles everywhere!!!!

Poor, poor Matt had a cold. He looked like death itself!

Anyway, that's the first half of the big weekend. I'm getting tired of typing and posting pictures, so come back later for part two!!!!