You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Franklin Graham

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd let you know that Franklin Graham is in town tonight and tomorrow night at the MTS center for FREE!

if you need a ride, give the old cell phone a call, ok?

Tree 63 and Newsboys are playing tonight
Casting Crowns and Michael W. Smith tomorrow!

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Survey Time!

Who was the last person you...

1. You hung out with?
Shawna and I hung out today at the church

I hung out with Daylene and Carter last night

I hung out with Lish, Glo, Tyler, Scott, Jordan and Billy on Sunday night

Boy. I'm popular lately...

2. Rode in a car with?
Lots by myself recently, but Felicia and Gloria after said hanging out on Sunday night

3. Went to the movies with?:
Jana and Nicole (NIC YOU OWE ME AN EMAIL STILL!!!!)

4. You went to the mall with?

6. You talked on the phone/IMed to?
Shawna called this afternoon. I think I'll call Brett Bretterson tonight. I feel like we haven't had a good chance to talk in weeks! Wait... it HAS been weeks! I miss you baby!

7. Made you laugh?:
Daylene and Carter and I probably had a good laugh last night.

W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?

1. Pierce your nose or tongue?

2. Be serious or be funny?
Vewwy vewwy sewious

3. Drink whole or skim milk?:
skim- but if I had the right to choose nothing, I'd choose that...

4. Die in a fire or drown?
Fire. I think it would go faster. It also depends on how hot the fire is too I guess...

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?:
Parents. I love my parents! They're so much fun to hang out with!

A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y.

1. Do you like anyone?

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.

1. Sun or moon?:
Sun. I like sunshine!

2. Winter or Fall?
Fall... but then again, it's the least of two evils.

3. left or right?

4. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?
Two best friends, of course. I'm not that big on the whole 'acquaintances' thing.

5. Sunny or rain
Sunny, again, I like sunshine! But a good thunderspanker is good too!

6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
Meh. Not a gigantic ice cream fanatic.

A B O U T . Y O U.

1. What time is it?:
6:45 pm

2. First Name?:

3. What do you want to do?:
April- Graduate

May- come back to Winnipeg

Sometime in the next while- eat something salty or sweet

Sometime in the future- get married!

4. Where do you wanna live?:
Like I said.. I wanna live here in the ghetto!

5. How many kids do you want?
At least 3

6. Do you want to get married?
Yes. I have it all planned out in my head too!

7. what do you like on your pizza?
Lots and lots and lots of pineapple!

8. Can you cross your eyes?
Yes. I can also keep one of them still while the other one rolls around in my head!

9. Do you make your bed daily?
At school I try to to keep some sanity to my room. Here, I'm not home all that often, so there's not really any point in making my bed.

R A N D O M.

1. Which shoe goes on first?
Both, if possible!

2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone?'
It's my signature move!

3. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirl, but i always split it in two when it's dry, and i use a spoon to curl it on.

4. Have you ever eaten Spam
no. But when I delete my spam mail, it gives me lovely recipes for spam caseroles and such

3. Favorite ice cream?:
Vermonty Python by Ben & Jerry's (ditto fleesh... and the chocolate brownie explosion is deadly too!)

4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?
Not sure. I haven't eaten cereal here since summer.

5. Current mood?
Full, not really wanting to leave the house.


1. kissed some one?
Uh huh... well, somewhere in there. I don't know exactly.

2. Sang?
Of course.

3. Been hugged:
Every morning at prayer

4. Felt stupid:
Yes. That's a given.

5. Missed Someone:
That's a given too!

6. Danced Crazy?
Not much of a dancer over here...

7. Gotten your hair cut?
No, could use one though.

8. Cried:
I think I cried on Sunday night when I saw a sad episode of Full House.

. S T U F F .

1. do you have a Dog?
No, not much of a dog person.

2. When's the last time you've been sledding?
Who knows... maybe grade 10 or so?

3. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
Not sure. Haven't really experienced the former... I'm sure another person would come in handy on a cold night though.

4. Do you believe in ghosts?
Umm no.

5. Do you consider yourself creative?
Probably to some degree

Name it & Claim it

In Jesus' name....

she will be mine
oh yes
she will be mine!!!!!!
(who can't resist heated leather seats????)

now... who wants to buy this, so i can buy that pretty little thing up there???

Monday, October 16, 2006

Are The Rumors True???

I don't know why I came up with that title all of the sudden....

let's see.

YES- I am graduating from CPC this year, which forfeits my competition with the delightful Matthew Erickson for Valedictorian. Congratulations, Matthew, I always knew you were smarter than me.

YES- I am coming back to Saskatoon on October 29. I need a ride for the first few days of the module though. Either that, or I am renting a car...

YES- It looks as though I am returning to Winnipeg at the end of April to Weston Gospel Church to help out with neXus youth... whether that's a paid position or not, I really don't care, really, I'd likely camp in the parking lot if I couldn't find a place to live. This church rocks!

NO- I am not engaged... (but thanks to whoever's been spreading that one around!)

YES- Mollie got a job!!!! Hurray for Mollie! Check out her blog at http://morickson.blogspot.com


YES- Baxter, my 1998 Cavalier Z24 is for sale! I just sank $350 into her for new tires too! If you're interested in this sexy little number, give me a call ;)

YES- I am writing a blog to procrastinate writing my paper for History of Missions class... even when you're away from school, old habits die hard!

YES- The FRANKLIN GRAHAM FESTIVAL IS NEXT WEEKEND! CASTING CROWNS IS PLAYING SUNDAY NIGHT!!!! Youth- invite a nonChristian- Franklin Graham can't save Christians OR empty seats!

YES- Norah, I am specifically writing this line so that you will comment again on my blog. Haven't got to updating my template yet though...

YES- you've reached the end!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Mood For Today

Low on Motivation... High on Life!

Bring people to the gym riot

200+ people: winning team shaves Dennis's head
300+ people: winning team shaves FELICIA'S head


(i'm going to put my money on the underdogs: go team yellow!!!!)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Boredom During Class...

1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
In the car, either on the way to pick up Nicole or Ashley

2. When is the last time you filled up your gas tank?
Filled, or just put some gas in?

Because I filled up on Sunday, but I put 20 bucks in on Tuesday...

3. What is the most amount of money you spent in one store?
I don't think I personally have spent more than $120 at one time on clothing. Other than that I would probably say that the 200 I spent on my monitor like 3 years ago... unless you count the 900 i dropped on my laptop...

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Jana and Wendy are wearing pink shirts. Not sure about underwear.... i'm in class right now

5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Hmmm........ probably like a month ago to get a key cut for Daylene

6. Are you wearing socks right now?
Yeah, white ones!

7. Do you have a car worth over $5,000?
I used to. It was worth $7,000 when I bought it... it's probably only worth about 4,000 once i get it all fixed to be safetied

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I am actually currently out of town... or back in town... i haven't been home in virden since september, and i haven't been back here in saskatoon since last april, and i was in winnipeg last week... don't even get me started on brandon! WHICH ONE IS HOME?!

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Hmm... nope. Nic and I considered a cheap movie on tuesday, but it didn't happen

10. Are you popular?
Popluar... you're gonna be pop-u-lar, you're gonna be good at sports, find the right cohorts.. lol... wicked is such an awesome musical!

I think i'm popular among my friends. And if they disagree, my mom thinks i'm cool!

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Organic coffee with a scoop of hot chocolate!

12. What was the last thing you mailed in the mail?
I think i mailed out a student loan paper at the beginning of September

13. Do you wash your car?
Every once and a while. I usually clean the inside of it before i go to school too, so my car will be clean for the year. This time around, i cleaned it the day before i left for modules...

14. Last fast food you ate.
Hmm..... little debbie's oatmeal cookies!!! YUM!

15. Where were you last week at this time?
Hmmm thursday last week I was probably in the photocopy room or the A/V room either photocopying music, invites to the gym riot, or else I was working on my sermon for Friday night

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yes. Yesterday nicole and I went shopping!

17. What bank do you use?
Credit Union, but I have an RBC Visa

18. Do you own any land?
I wish!

19. What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
Doing something in a church. And a mommy.

20. Your dream vacation?
I would love to travel anywhere, really. Australia is a preference, but i would take anywhere! I've never even seen the ocean :(

21. Last boat ride you went on?
At CT camp in August! I went kneeboarding!

22. How old are your parents?
51 and 52

23. Are you in love?

24. Do you have any single friends?

25. Last play you saw?
Assassins with Felicia in June

26. Have you been to New York?
I wish!

27. What are your plans for tonight?
Working on my book report for History of Missions, maybe go see a movie if I can find someone who is up for it...

28. Last concert you went to?
Hmmm i actually can't remember :S i did go to an nhl game a month ago... i would say the last concert would have been Third Day

29. Next trip you are going to take?
Back to Winnipeg on Saturday, then back to Saskatoon at the end of the month!

30. Ever go to camp?
You betcha! Went in august to visit Kali, then we had a retreat a couple of weeks ago

31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Grade 11 in highschool, and every year so far in college

32. What is your current GPA?
I believe my report card at christmas was 82, but i haven't seen my one from april yet, as i just paid my bill off at school...

33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
No, i prefer to have nice smelling hair :)

34. Are you hungry?
I could probably go for something to eat. I had coffee, and i have some cookies in my locker.

37. Do you have a tan?
No, but i did get a little bit of color this summer!

38. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
When i start, or when i finish? I wouldn't mind having kids by like 27 or 28... be married for a while before you have the kids though...

39. Do you collect anything?
Not especially. I always try my darndest not to be a pack rat.

40. Is this quiz annoying?
No, this class however, is very annoying

41. Last time you got pulled over?
Never! I did get a camera ticket in the summer though..

42. Ever been arrested?

43. Been to Mexico for Spring Break?
No desire to really... spring break vacations are to skanky

44. Do you like hot sauce
love hot sauce!

45. Last time you had sex?
Never! Jennie and I were talking last night that it was so nice to never have to worry about getting std's lol.

46. Do you need to do laundry?
Ummm, not especially. I did all my laundry before i left winnipeg. I'll have to do some when i get back though.

47. How many friends do you have?
Do i have to count? I've made tons of new friends in winnipeg, plus i have my college friends, then my brandon friends, and those from oak lake and virden. I don't want to count!

48. Are you someone's best friend?

49. Are you rich?
I get by.

50. What are you thinking right this minute?
Zambia, my book report, and a topic for my paper in this class... i'm thinking Zinzendorf....