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Sunday, March 06, 2005

My Tunnel

It's March.
I'm 3/4 of the way through my school year. I can almost taste May. The light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to shine!

Here's a few things that are going on in my world lately.....

My sister sent me pictures of the lovely new baby in her family, I'll post them later if she gives me permission to. Cohen is a lovely lookin boy, and I can't wait to go out there to see him and congratulate his big sisters.

I've become really apathetic about school lately. I know it's the home stretch for the school year, but I remember being like this even in high school. It's hard to focus when you're dreaming of summer. If people could pray for focus and perseverance, I'd like that. It seems like such a struggle some days to even get up for class! :S

Work is so hectic. March and April are probably the hardest months to adjust to at sev because that's when traffic really begins to pick up. You have to adjust from no one being in the store to all out utter chaos, usually within that first week that it starts to melt, and it doesn't slow down until September or October. It's also nice that I'm getting more hours at work. A nice paycheck will definitely help me do some catching up that desperately needs to be done! I also had a really good couple of days at work this weekend (minus a debate with Chris S., but I'll explain that later). I forgot how much fun drunk people are on mids, and how much fun it is to lip them off when they're being stupid. I also had a good time working with Brandi, a manager in training at our store. She's got such a good sense of humor, and it really brightened my day.

Chris S. and I had a theological 'debate' last night. I use bunny ears on debate because he really wanted to know why I believed in creationism so he could tell me how stupid my theories were. Then he kept interrupting me, so I basically blew him off and told him he was an ass, and if he wanted to talk about it, he'd have to find a better way to do it. Evoluntionists are like that....

The weather has really picked up my spirits lately. There's nothing better than a beautiful day. It smelled like spring yesterday, I can't wait until all the snow is gone!

Neat growth story for me today. I talked to God before I ate. It wasn't fake and obligatory either. I actually thanked God for the food He provided for me. I like that, it makes me feel better about my relationship with Him.

My friend's grandfather died today as well. They're going to be just fine, but it's always sad when a family member dies. I'll try to keep you in my prayers!

I've had Let My Words Be Few in my head for the last few days. I think it's a really powerful song... that, and Brett really likes it too. I think I'll do it when I lead worship next. Actually, I'm going to go pick up my guitar and play it now. Have a good day guys!


kastrukoff said...

I'll be apathetic with you! Sometimes it's good to be indifferent about things.. just kind of "whatever". It's a feeling of ease...

Then again.. I've been apathetic a lot lately.. so maybe I should back off on it.. we'll see.


Courtney said...


I prayed for you and the word "Patience" came to mind. I know that's not a huge revelation or anything, but I hope that it's encouraging. Also, I would like to say I slightly know how you feel. I wish I just could be done school right now.

It's just 2 more months!!


Anonymous said...

Hey terrin, i wrote down your prayer requests..hehe, carly's a mer. but i need to or else i won't remember! who's that song by? maybe i could download it, or better yet, u could come knocking on MY door in good ol' oak lake and sing it for me! haha ttyl
keep Him first,