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Friday, March 04, 2005

My Kids

No, I didn't hide a pregnancy for 9 months and give birth to septuplets. That wouldn't be true at all. There's many things I could say to fight that rumor, but you all know that it's not like me to go off and take fertility drugs and have sex...

my kids all come to Preston Avenue Church every Thursday to hang out, play games, sing songs, write in their journals, make crafts, and do memory verses. Numbers every week can range from 3 to 25 kids, but we always have fun.

I remember one night we sat in a big circle and sang worship songs. I love hearing little kids sing to God, there's just something so innocent about it that melts your heart, and causes you to think about how true your worship is.

One thing you must know about children is that they have so much energy. An hour and a half with these kids drains me so much, but I have so much fun with them. Kids are the ultimate hiders in a game of hide and seek. I usually spend like 10 minutes finding the first one, and then they have to help me find the others.

There's also such fun games as frozen tag, chain tag, beach ball volleyball, leap frog, paperbag races, crabwalking, and their favorite- piggy back on Terrin until she can't move anymore!

But it really is rewarding work. I get to pray with these kids every week, teach them about God, and I've even led 3 of them to Jesus. I know that this is defnitely a worthwhile investment, and even though kids aren't always my thing, I know that simply being with them is a huge blessing from God!

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