You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

God IS following me!

I was reading Nic's post, but I've noticed that God's been following me in a bit of a different way.

You see, I try to make it to church here on weekday mornings for the 6am prayer that they have. When I'm stressed, people can tell, because I am noticably absent from prayer, desperately trying to catch up on sleep.

But the flawed logic with that is that I am relying more on my sleep than I am on God!

Proverbs 3:5-6 says "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight"

So, I'm going to trust that if I depend on God and am a responsible steward of my bedtime, he will make my paths straight!

So God, I'm surrendering my sleep to you! I will dilligently try to do my best to be in bed at a good hour, but I am depending on you to be my strength when things are getting stressful!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Youth Retreat at Red Rock


I just spent a couple of days with the youth and young adults from my church at Calvary Temple youth camp....

just... wow.

Dennis and I have been saying for weeks now that big things are about to happen this year with the youth. It was just awesome. We had pastor Alan come out for a bit, and he preached on Friday night about being a friend of God. Then he talked a bit about what happens when we say no to God.

I was superblessed with the rowdiest girls at the entire camp (I was sort of half camp staff/half counsellor, so they stuck me in a cabin for Friday night... I smartened up Saturday night and slept in the very warm and cozy staff cabin!). Mollie and I had our hands full till about 4 am with girls (such as Ainsley) saying "Terrin, Mollie, I have to go to the bathroom! There's bears outside! I'm afraid!" and our reply "go in twos and split up, the bear will only catch one of you!"

Saturday morning I preached on Nehemiah and compassion, preparedness and servanthood. It was good. The evening was the main event though. Dennis preached on "Destiny", then after that, we had a WICKED time at the altar (I got to minister on my guitar) and we just had a Holy Ghost time right there at the altar, and a lot of our kids got filled with the Holy Spirit.

I did worship for all the chapel times, it was fun. I have just come to realize that I really haven't lead worship all that much in my life, I'm usually the girl on another instrument. But lately, I've just sort of been drawn to doing it. So it was so much fun to do it acoustic and unplugged this weekend!

Anyway, I would share more, but i'm POOPED!

I'm leaving for saskatoon on next Sunday and Calvary is coming with. So I guess I'll see you all later!

until Mollie admits that I'm the gangster-est of all white bread gangsters,


Monday, September 18, 2006

My Weekend!

So, about 3 months ago, while bored at work one day, Felicia and I decided to make our "100 things to do before I die" list. Now, there are some questionable endeavors on the list, but yesterday, get this...

I totally destroyed #81!

What was #81, you ask?

Well, of course, I have always wanted to see an NHL game.

So when I heard the Oilers and the Coyotes were playing exhibition at the MTS center, I immediately went to ticketmaster.ca and ordered up some tickets! It was awesome! Of course, my guest of honor for ticket number 2 was the endearing Brett Ramsey, who was happy to accompany me!

Here we are as a darlin couple at the game:

Brett is always so serious about hockey though. When the game's on, you shouldn't say much!

here's Brett telling me to put the camera down and watch the game:

...so serious about his hockey!

Here's an extra perk of the night as well:

THAT my friends, is Wayne Gretzky!

Don't believe me???

Check out a better pic!

So that's pretty awesome!

By the way, the Oilers won 5-0!

Here is another pic....

some people are very obsessed with the Jets coming back to Winnipeg.... throughout the night, people were yelling 'go jets, go!' and 'bring back the jets!!!'

i have no idea whether it will happen or not... i guess we'll see!

Later dudes!

(see you cpc people in a couple of weeks!)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Friend Kalandra

Well, my dear friend Kali left this morning for Australia, and I have one thing to say...

LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!! (in napoleon voice, of course!)

we had a very tearful goodbye this morning with a whole group of people, but i think now that the saddness of her being gone is over, we can switch over into jealousy mode, because when her flight lands in like 2 days, she'll have nothing but fun in the sun!

i'll miss you sweetie, see you in six months!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My, My, Hey, Hey

Well, back from holidays, it seems!


But it's tres excitement! This beats going back to school any day! Though I do miss my dear friends very dearly. You all know who you are! and if you're looking for an internship in January, talk to me, because my intern church would love to have more interns (aren't you glad I've paved the way for you??????)

Anyway... not a lot to say, just a lot to get finished

OH i quit biting my nails... yay for me!