You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Friday, March 24, 2006

My Year-End Countdown, and Other Enterprises

This is going to be in point form, since I have been doing things in lists lately.

1. There is less than a month left until this year's grad! April 22 is the big day, and I believe that exams are done on the 20th or something. There are two weeks of classes left, 2 assignments left, and 5 exams left.

2. Special Ensemble is done for the year. It was so much fun, but a lot things to keep up with! Brandond kicked so hardcore! The music was good, Stiller was preachin like a madman... and Blaine Eagle is basically a big kid stuck in some parental body. He should have come with us on all of our trips. Oh, and the times at Becca's place. I don't even know if I can describe how much fun we had!

3. I'm very likely going to The Pas with Nicole next weekend. How fun!

4. I am so sick of classes. I want to be done!

5. I think freaked-out would be the wrong word to use, so I think I'll say that I'm very apprehensive about this summer in Winnipeg. It's going to be different, but I know I'm going to learn so much, and for that, I'm SO excited! How are things like Brett, schoolwork, money and such going to work out during the summer? On that note, I hope it all works out that I'll be done my internship by January. That will be nice.

6. I'm broke. Good thing it's almost tax return time for Terrin! (mom and dad, send money!!!)

7. It was spirit week this week, and Nicole and I dressed up for superhero day:

8. I finally got the pleasure of going for the coveted meal at the Glubish's. It was delightful! Oh, Piper, I must say two things: you are terrible at baja, and Melissa likes licorice a little too much!

9. I have been sleeping like crazy for some reason. Like, the other night I went to bed at 9:30! I think my body's kind of going, "hey... you haven't had a weekend to yourself in over a month. you need to rest!" So with that said, I'm sleeping in tomorrow, and possibly Sunday too if I feel like it! Not today though, I think I need to clean my room. And Nicole moved her room around, and I became very jealous of the newness of her room, which may queue me to move mine as well... I'm such a bandagon whore!

10. I have my beautiful computer for sale! There's nothing wrong with it, I just have wanted to downsize to a laptop so I can take my work with me, especially since I'll be in Winnipeg. So if you'd like a fancy nancy computer for a really good price, please talk to me!

11. I have piano in 20 minutes! woohoo!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

oh the minds of the innocent


this site is adorable!
Check this out:

I was raised Catholic, and had the idea of "inviting Jesus into your heart" had me a little confused. Apparently, he knocked all the time, and when you answered, he could come inside & be inside your heart. The symbolism of this was somewhat lost on me though - I routinely used to kick Jesus out of my heart before I did bad things. I would tell him to leave, and once the evil deed was done, I would say, "Okay Jesus, you can come back in now." This went on for years.

Friday, March 17, 2006

My Tags!

Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

6 weird habits/things about me :
1) I pick my nose. If no one's around, my curiosity sometimes gets the best of me and i see what it tastes like.
2) I pee in the shower....
3) I hate those petitions that people send you to help fight off some antichristian thing in the states for two reasons: a) I am not an american... and b) i think Christianity would be far better off if it were banned. There. I said it. (but not because i despise christians! because there are such flimsy people out there, that they have forgotten what it means to be passionate about something... myself included!)
4) I apparently cry if i blush too hard.
5) i rarely shampoo
6) I dislike a lot of christian music out there.

I choose to tag
1) Nicole
2) Felicia
3) Stefani
4) Leslee
5) Brett
6) Rebecca

Have fun, kids!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Pictures From the Weekend!

Hola Amigos!

I had a wonderful weekend of rest and family fun with my sister. Here's some photo ops I took advantage of this weekend. Ahhh, it was nice to be in Weyburn! (Les, post your pics too, I wanna see yours!)

This is one I actually stole from Les. But I was there for the taking of it. Aren't we hot sisters?

Taelin, Cohen and Jorgia were all hiding under the blanket. I tried to get Jo to poke her head out for this pic, but she wouldn't.

Well, we finally got the blanket off, but Cohen is so hard to keep still for a picture! I need a faster shutter!

Here Tae and I are trying to take a photo lying on the floor... looks like our heads were too far apart!

Here's Jo and me!

Cohen, cute as usual!

Co in the car

Jo in the Car!

Jo pointing at a bunny rabbit.

Me and my girl Taelin.

Anyway, there's the pics of the weekend. We did lotsa fun family filled stuff, ate some good food, watched some good movies, and on Saturday night, Les, Tae and I went to a Mary Kay party and had a blast there too! Thanks for the fun weekend, Les!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

My Weekend Away

Hey guys!

I'm currently in Weyburn, SK, hanging out with my sister and her lovely family.

Josh and I drove down here yesterday, and we had a fairly uneventful trip.

I finally watched 'Walk the Line' yesterday, and it was an awesome movie! Oh that Johnny Cash.

Anyway, I came to Weyburn to relax a bit and just enjoy being around my family, because school has just been so friggen nuts lately, that I just need some quality time away. Next weekend we're headed out to Brandon with Special Ensemble, and I can't wait to do that! Taralee and Stewart are due any day now. I'm very tempted to call Brett every hour or so just to see if he's heard anything yet lol. What else..... oh, I'm looking at some summer work options, one that would involve living in Winnipeg for the summer. So that's been on my mind a lot lately, because I know it would completely suck being away from Brett during the summer, but it's a really cool job. Anyway, I've been praying like crazazy about it, hopefully I make the best choice lol.

Anyway, just thought I'd let y'all know that I'm still alive.

I'm going to go call Brett to see if that baby's been born yet!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Accomplishments!

Wow. Winnipeg was a trip!

Even though the roads sucked on the way there (and we got sidetracked in Brandon... which wasn't all bad, since I got to see Brett and Becca, and the roads were bad the next day so Brett couldn't make it to Winipeg), we had an amazing time in Winipeg.

In the morning we played IPC and had an awesome time there. Joe led the whole worship part, which was cool (by the way Joe, amazing time of worship, I really enjoy doin' the whole 'special' thing with you). Then in the evening we played CT. Good times. And on monday we played the Link, which was awesome. We had some good times.

Anyway, now that I'm back, I've hit the grindstone... HARD!
Tonight, I did four chapters in my principles of teaching textbook, then I nailed the paper that isn't even due till next week in that class!!!!!!!!!!

I also did a little English Lit assignment on Swift's Modest Proposal.

I even made a cd of all the pictures I've taken this year to hand into the yearbook office!

Oh, and I didn't skip my 8:30 class, which is a classic move for me. I even went to SFG! First time this semester, I swear!!!!!!

So to reward myself, I watched some Fresh Prince with Jord, Joe and Nicole.

Looks like things are getting back on track! Huzzah for motivation.

Now I just need to find some time to practise piano.

Anyway, this weekend, I'm probably headed off to my sister's for some relaxing time with my fam, and hopefully some good home cookin'.


Friday, March 03, 2006

My Quote of the Day:

When I rolled up the rim... I was like... What would I do if I won something big? Well... I'd show Ter my cup in glee and she'd scream, "CRAP! YOU WON!" and class would stop and we'd all be happy...

Then my bubble burst.

"Please Play Again"

-Nicole Kastrukoff's inner ramblings during 'roll up the rim to win' season

ps... i'm 1 for 4... blech!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My March Madness

Wow, so much is going on here at the school.

Anyway, I've pretty much had enough about talking about changes and options. Why don't we talk about something a little more important.... IT'S ROLL UP THE RIM TIME!!!!

I've had my first cup of that delicious beverage, and I already one a free coffee! That's right Joe, I'm going 1 for 1, batting a thousand so far in the whole game! Who knows, maybe I'll have some favor this year and win a truck or something!

Anyway, all this talk reminds me of probably the funniest post I've ever read in my life (actually, I believe Mr. Glubish read it to us before a Synoptics class last year).

It's a post that Kristy-Ann Glubish did about RUTM at Tim Horton's, and I hope she doesn't mind if I repost it for y'all to read! (by the way, Click Here to visit Kristy-Anne's site, she's quite the blogger, I must say!)

Here goes:

The Sun is Shining

Well theres a new spring in everyones step, a new joy thats bubbling deep with in everyone, yes it is the time of year again....yes folks it is.... ROLL UP THE RIM TO WIN time! Don't deny it folks, I know that the sparkle in your eye is renewed by the excitment of this great time of year. Timmy's sure does know how to get business. People really do live for that little bit of adrenaline that comes as they struggle to roll up that rim, hoping nay, praying for that cash prize, but realizing that if they at least get a cookie Gods favor is all over them. I have heard it said that if you are not winning at roll up the rim, and you are a christian, then you have sin in your life. Well that is something I really gave some thought before I played (why do I say played roll up the rim, I mean it really isn't a sport or a game...its all nonsense) this year. You see last year I was very much a LOSER when it came to roll up. I honestly never even won a cookie, not even a napkin. All I ever got was that stupid " Please Play again". This was a hard time in my life, the rejection of never winning. Id go into Tim Hortens and people all around me would be laughing, singing, dancing, crying tears of joy because of the prizes they had one...but not me. And why do they tell you to please play again....why don't they just say..."You loser You lost, You must have sin in you life" or "SUCKER". But the "Please Play Again" makes me hostile. So it could be argued that last year I never won because I really only played 4 or 5 times. BUT STILL.

Anyway so when it came to this years roll up the rim, I decided that this year would be different for me. This year I would no longer be a loser, this year I would get that sin out of my life and be more than a conqueror. So yes I started early, fasting, praying, interceding getting that sin out of my life. In doing so I figured there could be no way I wouldn't win big. I figured that roll up was really an answer to my prayers... I have no car... Tims wants to give a few envoys away... God would use to Tim to give me a free vehicle. I mean it all seems so logical and right. Or at least the cash prize, Id take that too. So anyways after all my preparation I was ready for that trip to Tim Hortens, I was excited, pumped, just feeling the magic... I get my coffee...take it back to the office, (with faith Im sure thats bigger than a mustard seed) I felt no need to rush my rolling up of the rim... I already had visualized my victory, so I knew it to be true. I was pretty much ready to call some of the people who have been helping me look for cars, call them to tell them the search is off. So a few hours after getting my blessed coffee... I slowly roll up that rim... and I mean I was excited... and well... you will not guess what happenned... I got... I won... a ....... "Please play again". WHAT I THOUGHT??? How can this be... I rolled down the rim... and I tried again...thinking maybe this is what they mean be please play again, and the second time still nothing. So i did that 7 times... knowing that 7 is the number of completion and perfection (not 9 bennett) and well still nothing. So really ladies and gentleman I don't know what I have done wrong. Maybe I do still have sin in my life...and if I have bitterness towards any of you I just want to publicly apologize now. Anyhow I am now figuring that maybe I need to buy 7 coffees in total before winning...sometimes you need to try and try again...But im not really to sure on this one.

So I have played once and might play again...but im not sure. I don't want this to become an addiction for me. I realize how alluring the roll up the rim can be for christians especially who really don't get for much other opportunities to play the lottery ( I know its not the lottery but you know what I mean I hope). I don't want to come out of this season with a gambling problem... so i might stay away for Timmy's for awhile. Anyhow good luck to the rest of you out there who are playing the game... I hope that you have better luck than I.

Oh and I know that I said that my next blog would be about my heroes...but I felt that I needed to write about this super important matter first. Oh and id like to thank Brock for being one of the only ones to really make a guess at who my heros are....so black dot to him...oops I mean gold star.

Oh and a tiny note from the author... this post might be a slight exageration from the truth

ps... keep signing up for 'a call to die'. the deadline is fast approaching to get your name in there!!!