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Friday, February 25, 2005

My Theological Thoughts, ii

A broken heart, and a contrite spirit
You have yet to deny

Today's Senario:
Counselling Class....
This is what we went over in our notes today:

"When we acknowledge ourselves as 'all wrong', God acknowledges us as 'all right'."
I think this fits in with this whole 'death to self' thing that we should be doing.

If we would just get over ourselves, and understand that we're not the greatest thing since sliced bread and vacuum sealed packages, we would therefore approach God in our brokenness, and things would seem a little more genuine.

There's something for y'all to ponder for a while (if it at all made sense... I'm not feeling so hot today). I would rant farther on this thing, but it would require a lot more research and thought... I'm not in the mood today, so I'm going to go watch some 24.... (sorry I've been using your method of quoting songs, Brett, but it came up in class, and I liked the concept)
See you all in Portage!


carramrod said...

OK, maybe that answers one of the questions from small group last night. But who said vacuum-sealed packages were so good? They're certainly no sliced bread!
And if you want to use lyrics, I can deal with that. After all, you are the one with all the talent in this relationship. ;-)

Mrs. Ramsey said...

i've always been interested in vacuum sealed packages... just personal opinion... and while i may have musical prowress, my boy does have some mad skillz...