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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My Time (I've reverted to 'my' titles just for Becca)

Time is an interesting.
Time is peculiar.
Time is short.

It's funny.
When I'm at college, the thing I wish for the most is for time to pass by as quickly as possible. Get through class, get to mealtime, get to bedtime, get to midterms, get to chapel, get to finals, get to work, get to church. I want it all to go as quickly as possible.

But right now I only wish that I could manipulate time into standing still.

It's now 8 minutes into Wednesday- halfway through my reading week. Only 5 more days to share with loved ones, 5 more days to feel 'at home', to see my charming parents, to smell my surroundings, and to feel a hug from Brett- 5 more days of experiencing this, instead of imagining what it's like from afar, and trying to compensate by only being able to talk on the phone or msn.

But I don't have control over time. Unlike money, I can't just sit on it, and wait to spend it on something that I've been saving for- time is gone. I am spending time right now. Am I being a good steward of my time right now? No. I could be sleeping, or studying, or doing something constructive. But all I can do right now is think about time.

What does God want me to do with my time? Really, that is the ultimate question in anyone's life. Does God want me to become all philosophical and come to terms with sayings like 'time is relative'? No. Probably not, anyway. So this time thing obviously presents quite the conundrum.

What does God want me to do with my time? How can I make the right choices in how I spend my time? What about variables I can't control? What about people who insist on wasting my time? Is it prudent to be working in a dead end job? Is it prudent to be going to Bible college until 2009?

Sorry for getting all philosophical and 'what does it all mean?' on your asses, but this is something to ponder. Am I doing what is right with my time? What if I'm not- what if I've been wasting valuable time, what am I supposed to do now? How can I regain that time? I can't!

To this date, I have lived for 7,549 days. Have I done anything significant with those days? Some I have, lots I haven't. What does that say about my character? What does that say about my Spirituality? Is God going to grade me when I get to heaven with a ratio of days I served Him with the days I didn't? So I pose a question to myself, since I can't do anything about the time I've spent in the past: What will I spend my time on now?

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I know what you mean about wondering what God wants you do to with your time. Last week when I was praying, I thought of something (or God shoved it at me, I guess) I need to be doing EVERYTHING for the glory of God. Including things like getting up on time... seriously, I was convicted to start getting up earlier!
and that is vicki's weird slightly unrelated story of the day...