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Thursday, February 10, 2005

2 Down, 2 To Go!

It's finally Thursday. I can't believe it! This week has taken forever to take its course. Pentateuch exam was ok. Not super great, but I think I nailed a few of the questions. Definitely enough to pass, but not get the marks I really want. I've discovered that Mr. Cressman's classes are hard to get the marks I want... at least on exams. I do well on his assignments. So that will salvage my mark.

So tomorrow is D-day. Or V-day. No. that's veteran's/valentine's day. It's neither of those tomorrow. But yes. I am currently in survival mode. You know how you are the day before you leave your commonplace for more than a couple of days? You wear all the crappy clothes you own because all the others are packed up (I'm currently wearing my crappy jeans, and a vintage tee that just doesn't happen to be dirty, since I refuse to pay for laundry the day before I can do it for free... yes, I'm that cheap), you have all your toiletries in one spot, and you have to lug the bag with you whenever you need to fix your hair or take a shower. Both Alexis and Mr. are packed up, even though I want to play both of them. The last thing I usually pack up is the computer, because, let's face it... I'm not going to study ALL night tonight, though most people would advise me to. I've even already gassed up my car, and filled the tires. I'm working on gathering my books and random papers that will need to come home. My cell phone is charging (though it is a pile of shit, and charges more than I can talk on it, because the battery is lifeless). I'm itching to get going, and I still have 2 exams to write! How insane is that?

So I've been studying in little chunks, basically between emailing, MSN'ing (God must have only wanted me to study for Issues in Worship Leadership, because it's back up, and I should be studying), blogging, and listening to Hell's Bells and Thunderstruck. Being stoked + exams = no studying. Good thing it's Synoptic Gospels and History of the Christian Era Tomorrow. I think I could pass both without studying... though that doesn't mean I won't. I'll definitely sit down and at the very minimum go through my notes a few times.

Don't let me forget that I also have to pick up my niece at Indian Head. As far as I know, anyway... that should be the plan. I haven't ridden in a car with her since I was like 17... and she was quite young. I'm sure she'll be lots of fun to drive with though, as long as we don't have to stop lots to go to the bathroom. I like to drive without stops, as much as possible, to get home as soon as possible. Oh boy, I can't wait!

Looking forward to being back in Manitoba! See y'all 27 hours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come to winnipeg...Come To Winnipeg...COME TO WINNIPEG