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Thursday, February 17, 2005

My (not so) Little Brother

Calan is hilarious.
I went to an Icemen game (go #2!!!) tonight with him and our friend, Andrew Klassen. Now, usually when I go see Brett play hockey, I sit with all the folks in the warm part of the rink. If Brett's parents are there, I usually sit and chat with them, and we watch the hockey game in a very nice fashion.

Not so much with Cal and Andy. You know that they're going to be shouting retarded things at the refs (tonight was Mr. Bushy's turn to be ridiculed), the players, and at anyone else who challenges their ways. Tonight we got talking about "molester mustaches", music, and Vegas. That, and our distaste for Burton Cummings, and our concern with why we haven't seen Brett Unrau play yet this year.

Cal claims that when he gets rich, he's going to build a theatre across from Burton Cummings Theater and call it "Randy Bachman Kicks Burton Cumming's Ass Theatre".

I think I remember another time when we were all discussing Bibles, and how one of my profs doesn't think that the Bible should be on the floor, or that you should put anything on it. Calan just had to chime in and say "Well, what if you stacked another Bible on top of it?"
How does he think of that?
What the frick?

Anyway, it's nice to see that he had a good time in Vegas. He got me a really nice tshirt as well, so it was nice to know he was thinking of his sister while he was gone.
By the way, to all my cute available Christian friends who are girls... Cal is a good lookin Christian boy who has exquisite taste in music, can play guitar, and has the best sense of humor ever ;-)
Just sayin' is all....


carramrod said...

I believe the correct term is "molestache"

Mrs. Ramsey said...

ultimate fighting it is!

Courtney said...

I never used to think about whether I should put my Bible on the floor or whether it was ok to put things on top of it until I went to my grandma's house and I put a coke on top of a Bible but she told me to move it.

So I guess I don't do that anymore - or leave it on the floor. Sometimes I wonder if it's legalism or not - on the one hand isn't it more disrespectful to disobey the Bible than to leave it on the floor? What if I am doing my devotions on the floor of my bedroom and I just happen to leave my Bible there? But on the other hand, it is easier to pick it up off the floor and not put stuff like Coke on top of it so that you don't offend people.

Well anyways I hope your break is going good! See you in a few days.

And no one has called me bowflex in a long time :)

Courtney said...
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carramrod said...

I've got a friend who likes to meddle, and you should totally set her up with Calan. See, she likes to interevene in things like these, so I figure it's time to turn the tables on her. I won't tell you her name right now, but we can go over that later. For now we'll just call it "Operation Calan and Becca"
Oh Becca, what will we ever do with you???