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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My School Computer

I don't like the school computer lab. I want my internet back! But I guess that's what I get for getting my internet shut off 2 days before I leave.

I miss the white chair, my keyboard, and the quickness and agility of my internet, which doesn't block a site because of a ddr rating of 50 or more.

*sigh*. I also miss MSN.

2 Days. 2 Days. Just keep saying it, Terrin, it will all be over soon.


TL said...

One day, One day....see you Sunday???

Mrs. Ramsey said...

oh taralee, i love you....

the illusion of nothing said...

Fricking CPC internet. All I can say is: when using webmessenger (or, as I refer to it lovingly: webweiner, cause it's filled it things that no one knows what they're made of) spaces are a man's (or woman's) best friend. Ahh, spaces, how would I curse without thee?