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Thursday, April 28, 2005

My Heavenly Father

Love, I need love
You are Love
I need You
Love, You are Love
I need Love
I need You

Ask anyone on earth what their deepest desire in life is. A shallow person may tell you that they are after money, or a hot car, or sex. But we all want to be loved. See, that shallow person wants money, cars and sex so that people will love them. We were created to long for love and affection....

Let's clarify this a little. I'm not talking about the love that your parents, or girlfrind/boyfriend, kittens, children or carpet samples can offer. This is about you and God. You see, God actually Love. His very essence is Love. His motivation is Love, He IS love!

So what does that have to do with us?

We were born with this God-shaped hole in us. Not literally, of course, that would actually probably be a lot easier. Like one of those tupperware balls with the yellow plastic shapes. It's sad that most of us don't realize that that hole we have can only be filled by God (all 90's kids now have an Xtreme song stuck in their heads). That hole is often filled with the wrong shapes. The star so doesn't fit into the pentagon shape, people!

We need God. We were born with that need. We need him just the same as we need warmth, oxygen, water and food. So it begs the question... what are you filling that hole with? Because it doesn't fit if it's not God.

Even Christians can do this. I've spent much time as a Christian, filling that hole with the wrong thing. The circle shape does not go in the pentagon hole, Terrin.

So how do we fill that hole.
Step one is starting a relationship. God desperately wants you to get to know him. My friend of a freind told me so! Just kidding. But God really does want to have a relationship with you.

Step two would be getting to know God. Pray, READ THE BIBLE, learn all you can about God, spend time just listening to Him, He'll talk, I promise.

Step three - surround yourself with good Christians who will keep you accountable.

There's a lot more to it than that, but you get the idea. Once you start filling that God-shaped hole with the shape that fits, you won't need to be filling that void. I'm not saying you won't long for a husband or wife, or kids, or kittens, or carpet samples, but they won't seem like priority #1, because God will have that space.

And just for your info, this message is more for me than it is for any of you reading this. I'm finding more and more that I need God as #1 in all major departments, because He is more important than anything in life. So keep it in mind, take it to heart, put it to practise. All this will be on the final!


Krig the Viking said...

I'll have you know my carpet samples love me very much!

Also, very nice post. It makes me wonder: is it that our God-shaped hole is the wrong shape, or that it's infinitely big, and no finite thing can ever fill the void? Only an infinite God could fill an infinite hole.

Either way, though, it amounts to the same thing. ;)

Tyler said...

Excellent Blog Ter. Its easy to forget why we feel so lonley at times, or why we are so unsatisfied, but you hit the nail on the head. Those things may give quick or temperary satisfaction, but nothing that lasts. I think we all needed to read your blog.

God Bless

Becca said...

Really good blog Ter... where our priorities lie is a good thing to keep in check.

carramrod said...

There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by yoooouu!!

(I'm guessing that's the song you were talking about)

Courtney said...

Terrin, I'll have you know I love that SonicFlood song (no pun intended). Very good blog. Thanks.

carramrod said...

Soory, just had another song in my head....

All you need is love
All you need is love (everybody!)
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need