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Monday, May 16, 2005

My Feeble Attempt at an Update

Hey sorry to all you who check this looking for my insight, I am currently in Brandon and mine and Becca's place (I know, I don't live here anymore, but it's still my place!!!!!).

Working as sev here isn't all that much fun. It's ok, but not great. I have a lot of people to teach things, and a lot of people who aren't new who need to be kept in line. It's frustrating, because one night, I'll have like 5 people to keep busy, and then nights like last night, where I have one person on the floor, and I'm in the kitchen running around like a chicken with its head cut off because there aren't enough people to do the work that needs to be done.

But that was to be expected. That's why I was looking for a job in the first place. And I think I may have found one. I had an interview last week for the sweetest of all jobs. It starts late in the morning, ends fairly early in the evening, every other weekend off, not stressful at all, within walking distance of my parent's house. The pay isn't great, but I'd save so much money not having to travel back and forth that it would definitely be worth it. So be praying that I get this job, because I would be very happy with it! Yeah.

Staying with Becca is like good old times. We stay up late going for midnight lunches, and watching movies, and just chit-chatting. I forgot how much fun it is to live with Becca. Well, I'm not really living with her, just staying. But it's too much fun.

Oh, I finally got my VP cheque. Still waiting on the income tax forms to fill out to get my other cheque, but half way there isn't bad! Praise God!

Anyway, there's my life in a few paragraphs. I miss you all!


kastrukoff said...

I'm happy that you got your VP cheque.. me and my bank account are very happy.

I really do hope you get the job at the meuseum, it would be quite nice... as for staying with Becca.. you guys should make nachos of DOOOOMMM!!!

Oh yeah, and I watched the last 15 minutes of Josie last night... it really reminded me of you.


kastrukoff said...

Vacation Pay cheque.