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Friday, March 03, 2006

My Quote of the Day:

When I rolled up the rim... I was like... What would I do if I won something big? Well... I'd show Ter my cup in glee and she'd scream, "CRAP! YOU WON!" and class would stop and we'd all be happy...

Then my bubble burst.

"Please Play Again"

-Nicole Kastrukoff's inner ramblings during 'roll up the rim to win' season

ps... i'm 1 for 4... blech!



Jana said...

I thought that in class too. With the ammount of coffee we buy at Tims I think we deserve a big win. I am 0-3 right now...

Jana said...

I spelt something wrong on my comment... forgive me? I am a little afraid of the Spelling Nazi...

Pastor Matt said...

Man, I'm 0 for 5...seriously! I feel like garbage!

Ashmonia said...

0 for 11... how sad is that. and if you count the other coffee's i bought for people it would be 0 in... 20ish... They know its me when i play!! :p