Wow, so much is going on here at the school.
Anyway, I've pretty much had enough about talking about changes and options. Why don't we talk about something a little more important.... IT'S ROLL UP THE RIM TIME!!!!
I've had my first cup of that delicious beverage, and I already one a free coffee! That's right Joe, I'm going 1 for 1, batting a thousand so far in the whole game! Who knows, maybe I'll have some favor this year and win a truck or something!
Anyway, all this talk reminds me of probably the funniest post I've ever read in my life (actually, I believe Mr. Glubish read it to us before a Synoptics class last year).
It's a post that Kristy-Ann Glubish did about RUTM at Tim Horton's, and I hope she doesn't mind if I repost it for y'all to read! (by the way,
Click Here to visit Kristy-Anne's site, she's quite the blogger, I must say!)
Here goes:
The Sun is Shining
Well theres a new spring in everyones step, a new joy thats bubbling deep with in everyone, yes it is the time of year again....yes folks it is.... ROLL UP THE RIM TO WIN time! Don't deny it folks, I know that the sparkle in your eye is renewed by the excitment of this great time of year. Timmy's sure does know how to get business. People really do live for that little bit of adrenaline that comes as they struggle to roll up that rim, hoping nay, praying for that cash prize, but realizing that if they at least get a cookie Gods favor is all over them. I have heard it said that if you are not winning at roll up the rim, and you are a christian, then you have sin in your life. Well that is something I really gave some thought before I played (why do I say played roll up the rim, I mean it really isn't a sport or a game...its all nonsense) this year. You see last year I was very much a LOSER when it came to roll up. I honestly never even won a cookie, not even a napkin. All I ever got was that stupid " Please Play again". This was a hard time in my life, the rejection of never winning. Id go into Tim Hortens and people all around me would be laughing, singing, dancing, crying tears of joy because of the prizes they had one...but not me. And why do they tell you to please play again....why don't they just say..."You loser You lost, You must have sin in you life" or "SUCKER". But the "Please Play Again" makes me hostile. So it could be argued that last year I never won because I really only played 4 or 5 times. BUT STILL.
Anyway so when it came to this years roll up the rim, I decided that this year would be different for me. This year I would no longer be a loser, this year I would get that sin out of my life and be more than a conqueror. So yes I started early, fasting, praying, interceding getting that sin out of my life. In doing so I figured there could be no way I wouldn't win big. I figured that roll up was really an answer to my prayers... I have no car... Tims wants to give a few envoys away... God would use to Tim to give me a free vehicle. I mean it all seems so logical and right. Or at least the cash prize, Id take that too. So anyways after all my preparation I was ready for that trip to Tim Hortens, I was excited, pumped, just feeling the magic... I get my coffee...take it back to the office, (with faith Im sure thats bigger than a mustard seed) I felt no need to rush my rolling up of the rim... I already had visualized my victory, so I knew it to be true. I was pretty much ready to call some of the people who have been helping me look for cars, call them to tell them the search is off. So a few hours after getting my blessed coffee... I slowly roll up that rim... and I mean I was excited... and well... you will not guess what happenned... I got... I won... a ....... "Please play again". WHAT I THOUGHT??? How can this be... I rolled down the rim... and I tried again...thinking maybe this is what they mean be please play again, and the second time still nothing. So i did that 7 times... knowing that 7 is the number of completion and perfection (not 9 bennett) and well still nothing. So really ladies and gentleman I don't know what I have done wrong. Maybe I do still have sin in my life...and if I have bitterness towards any of you I just want to publicly apologize now. Anyhow I am now figuring that maybe I need to buy 7 coffees in total before winning...sometimes you need to try and try again...But im not really to sure on this one.
So I have played once and might play again...but im not sure. I don't want this to become an addiction for me. I realize how alluring the roll up the rim can be for christians especially who really don't get for much other opportunities to play the lottery ( I know its not the lottery but you know what I mean I hope). I don't want to come out of this season with a gambling problem... so i might stay away for Timmy's for awhile. Anyhow good luck to the rest of you out there who are playing the game... I hope that you have better luck than I.
Oh and I know that I said that my next blog would be about my heroes...but I felt that I needed to write about this super important matter first. Oh and id like to thank Brock for being one of the only ones to really make a guess at who my heros black dot to him...oops I mean gold star.
Oh and a tiny note from the author... this post might be a slight exageration from the truth
ps... keep signing up for 'a call to die'. the deadline is fast approaching to get your name in there!!!