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Friday, October 28, 2005

My Exam Update

Well, I haven't received all of my midterm marks, but here's a quick update for those of you keeping score:

English Lit= 84%
Tech For Min= 86%
Homiletics= 87%
Understanding Human Behavior= 90%

Sorry, no marks yet for Wisdom Lit or Ministry to Worship Arts Community.
I sure hope my parents are posting these on the fridge, because I don't think I've ever done this well.

Oh, and Jana is still angry with me. Sorry Jana. You sure showed me on that Braga book though!!!! You beat me!


Anonymous said...

Terrin...I can't believe how bad I did on that Homiletics...it's actually shocking.

Seriously though, thanks for helping me ace the Tech for Min one...

Anonymous said...

Stupid Terrin with her freaking really good marks.

Anonymous said...

Well just to let you know....I added your marks on "windows calculator" lol and your average was 86.75!!!! That equals crazy good! I know you're not graduating this year......BUT you might as well just be the validictorian for our year! I'll bring it up at student council....lol.

Anonymous said...

oi! you nerd! just kidding. one day i hope i can be as cool as you! :) and maybe i can know all the capitals of the world too!

Anonymous said...

knowing all the capitals of the world is the first step to being smart. matt, are you taking notes?!!?