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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Fleeting Thoughts

Wow. The first week of semester number two has been crazy!!!! Here's some of the thoughts I've been randomly thinking (some serious, some not)

1. Crest Whitestrips are a gift straight from heaven. They really work! Except they make your teeth supersensitive. Don't breathe through your mouth on a cold day after using these things!!! But boy are they white!

2. I bought a fancy-nancy dress for Brett's graduation. And I'm getting my hair cut and perhaps hi-lighted. I'm not so sure on the second part. But cut for certain (I promised no shaving already though lol)

3. I have only really been to two of my four subject classes thus far as Mr. Puls had some surgery or something. So I've had a good intake of English Literature II and Pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit!)

4. Working as a poll clerk for the election is going to be a long and tedious job, and I'm sure I'm likely going to hate it. But it pays almost $200 for one day of work, so I will do the job with a smile on my face! Plus, I get to work a poll that is located in an old folk's home. Is that God or what?????

5. I enjoy smelling like coconuts. It reminds me of summer!

6. Teaching drums will likely challenge me more than my students (not in the bad way. it's just something entirely new for me! hopefully I'll be a good teacher)

7. I'm learning more and more that being devoted to Christ should mean sacrifices for me. Which is hard for a person who tries to find the most convenient way to do things. How selfish.

8. I've been having strange and disturbing dreams lately. I think it's because I've been going to bed on time. I'll spare you the details as the few listeners I've subjected to my fantasy were quite horrified.

9. Tessa, have your baby already, dammit!

10. I hate that when people are introduced to me, the introducer always says something like, "oh, Terrin's an awesome musician, etc". Is music who I am or just something I do? Like, why doesn't anyone ever describe me as a good listener, or a beautiful soul, or kind, or nice, or something. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being too picky and sensitive.

11. Paul McCartney is a poineer of rock'n'roll bass lines. I live for old school Beatles' stuff.

12. I am not artsy, I just live vicariously through my artsy friends (Stewart, Jana, Nic, Jord and Joe and sometimes Jeremy... oh, and Brett's been liking some weird music lately [metric?!]). This will be the subject of a future blog wherein I will list my taste in music versus true blue artsies. You'll be pleasantly surprised, methinks. By the way, Jeremy, I downloaded some Sufjan Stevens... I like that Abraham song... but everything else is a little odd.....



Anonymous said...

Woohoo for drums! I look forward to our special times together Miss. Hay!

Anonymous said...

Terrin, i've known you for almost 8 years and its so exciting to see how you have been growing in that time. Its awsome, God is sooo good!

Anonymous said...


thats blaspemy!!

here are some songs you need to download:

- romulus
- casimir pulaski day
- john wayne gacy jr. (this song is about a serial killer... really haunting... but the last line is BEAUTIFUL..)
- for the widows in paradise, for the fatherless in ypsalanti (this one has a lot of banjo, but the lyrics are amazing... sung from the perspective of god the father... stewart did it in church a while back when i spoke... fantastic stuff)
- to be alone with you
- holland
- oh god, where are you now?
- god will never let you down

get those... and THEN tell me what you think! :)

Anonymous said...

What? So I like a Metric song? The only song I know is a good solid rock song with a girl with a neat voice. She's not doesn't have the power growl like Tara Slone or Jordis, but I still dig the voice.

Anonymous said...

i never said sufjan was bad... just odd...