You are now under the influence of my opinions. Proceed with Caution!

Friday, January 20, 2006

My Busy Week

Well, though it seemed like not a whole lot was happening, I had a very busy and stressful week!

1. I got my hair dyed and cut. It looks so awesome. Except the hairstylist decided to try and give me a fro when she was done cutting it. EEW!!!!! So when I got back to the school, Stef and Jennie decided to straighten it. It took an hour with each girl using a straightener. apparently i'm quite the looker with straight hair. but i washed it and now it's curly, so i won't be making anyone else stumble.

2. Jana, Jasen Lutz and Graham Emde played at some artsy pub called "Lydia's" and killed big time!
They did some David Gray song (I think it was called Ordinary People), some Amos Lee, Derek Webb, and a Switchfoot song. They kicked supreme ass!!!!!!! So after that, Nicole and I stayed at Jana's house, and since we had no alarm clock, Jana was the designated alarm clock person. Unfortunately, at 3:30 in the morning, she had a dream that her alarm clock went off, and decided to come and tell us it was time to get up. Luckily, I was sleeping on my deaf ear, and wasn't really disturbed.

3. Chocolate chip pancakes, although tasty, are not as delicious as regular ones with butter and syrup. Jana is a killer cook though. Seriously, I'm very envious.

4. While Nicole and I were driving back to the school that morning for class, we were rear ended. My poor car has to get yet another rear bumper (I was rear-ended last year on my way to work one night as well). All well, it could be worse. The other car was written off :S. No supersevere injuries though. It could have been a lot worse, praise God we are ok.

5. Dealing with Autopac and SGI is annoying. I can't wait until this is all finished.

6. My drum students are all doing very well, way to go guys!

7. I had my first piano lesson today. It was so nerve wracking, but I can tell I have a good piano teacher (other than the fact that he told me he's a good teacher) when he explained a bunch of unneccessary jargon about music that I never bothered to learn. Apparently he's like an OCD analytical type of musician, which is exactly what I need (maybe not necessarily what I would want, but I know I will learn tons). I feel like such a dweeb though, because I have probably forgotten about 95% of what I learned in 5 years of piano lessons in my early teen years. But he assured me that if I did exactly as he says, I'll be just fine! Go piano!

8. 24, Season 4-athon starts tonight at 6PM in the SLC! Don't miss it! (by the way, the premiere of season 5 was AH-MAZE-ING!!!!!!!!)

9. On Monday, January 23rd, don't forget to vote. And if you vote Liberal, I will kick your ass. Seriously, you could vote for the communists and still be my friend. But a Liberal vote is a vote for the devil.

10. On that note, I'm working as a poll clerk on election day. It's well over 12 hours of work for pretty good pay. I'm not allowed to have an opinion on the 23rd though. So I'm getting it out of my system right now. DO NOT vote for the liberals.

So there's some insight into my life right now. Later!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for blogging today!!! I have been wanting SOOOO badly to read a new one...And it sounds as though things are good! Always good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy the new stylin hair....definately a new attitude for sure!!! Aww....I totally forgot about Lydia's on tuesday nite....I'll have to go next time for sure!

Hey why aren't we playin there lol???

Anonymous said...

Paul Martin is the devil... I seriously have an EXTREME dislike for the liberal party.

Aww, you saw Graham! He's fantastic! Lutz told me about playing there that night, I wish I could have been there to hear them!

Anonymous said...

Note to self: Vote for communists

Anonymous said...

Joe man, we're too cool for Lydias... actually, i don't know why we don't play there... let's do it.. and Jasen, Jana and Graham need to play there regularly. they kicked so much butt!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I thought of blogging about a vote for the liberals being a vote for the devil. Guess who I voted for...haha!