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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My 100 things about me post

100 Things about me

1. I pick my nose without shame
2. I am interning at Weston Gospel Church in Winnipeg, and I must say, I'm falling in love with the place...
3. I love learning how to play new instruments, but I usually hit a wall of boredom and frustration, and try to master a new one
4. I probably listen to music less than 1% of my day.
5. I'm probably physically active less than 1% of my day, but that's changing now that I rollerblade more
6. I love cooking anything. I would rather cook than do dishes.
7. I love doing my laundry.
8. I love worshipping God. I'd say it's probably the healthiest part of my relationship with God. I'm growing a lot in prayer and reading too.
9. I am not so much a big fan of large group friendships, I usually only have a couple of really close friends at a time
10. Before Brett and I started dating, my best friend Rebecca referred to me as a 'crush whore'
11. I make friends easier with guys than I do girls. Luckily, I have a very understanding boyfriend who doesn't get easily jealous.
12. I am not a vegetarian by any means
13. I am bothered by people who are fake or have large egos.
14. I am really close to my family, but don't talk to them all that often lately.
15. The only reason I started playing bass is because my brothers are all bigger than me
16. The only reason I started playing drums is because playing bass in the studio all by myself was really boring.
17. I hate being late for ANYTHING. In fact, if you're responsible for making me less than five minutes early for something, I will probably be very angry with you.
18. I am realizing more and more how annoying and selfish I must have been as a teenager.
19. I am still annoying and selfish sometimes.
20. I usually prefer to spend time alone than with people, unless I can hang with someone one on one
21. I am very apathetic regarding my 4th year of Bible College
22. Brett tells me that I ask too many questions
23. I usually have a moment of weakness about every 6 months where I question what I am doing with my life and start making plans for an escape route. But God always wins out I discovered about a year ago!
24. My desire for doing ministry outweighs any of my other desires in life right now
25. I fortunately have a very understanding and patient boyfriend, who keeps me sane in tough spots like this!
26. I have two nieces and two nephews, and one more on the way!
27. After Jorgia was born, I felt guilty because I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I did with Taelin, and it made me sad
28. I believe tattoos are cool for no logical reasoning
29. I like to think I am very practical
30. I am always looking for a new and perfect pair of shoes, whether I can afford it or not
31. I hate decorating.
32. I am not color coordinated
33. Fear is usually what holds me back from doing something
34. I have three brothers, and I can't for the life of me figure out why all three of them are not married yet. They're awesome guys who love to give and serve!
35. I love my sister! I wish we lived a little closer!
36. I am fairly sure that my sister will be an indespensible resource when I get married and have kids
37. My parents are weird. Seriously, meeting them will explain all of my oddities
38. I want to travel the world
39. I'm not big into mushy romantics, but in moments of weakness, I bawl my eyes out if I see it in the movies or on TV (when I watched lost, I BAWLED during Jack's wedding)
40. I have no interest in becoming a rockstar
41. I only get frustrated when I try to write a song
42. I miss my college friends, especially Matt, Nicole and Jana
43. I thought I would hate living in Winnipeg, but it turns out to not be so bad
44. I am a jeans and tshirt kind of girl. I tried to cover it up, but I'm now starting to embrace it
45. I am glad I'm working with youth, because it gives me an excuse to dress like them!
46. I wish I had stuck to piano instead of quitting when I was 15
47. I am incredibly lazy at doing things if I don't believe in them
48. I probably would have ended up a failure if I didn't turn to Jesus when I was 16
49. I get lonely really easily, but have never told a soul when I was lonely
50. I despise people who poke me
51. I will be 22 this year, but I always consider myself older than I actually am.
52. I will avoid anything that causes trauma or pain in my life.
53. I need encouragement in my life
54. I don't miss going to high school even a little
55. When I was in grade 4, even the geeks teased me and called me 'scarecrow' because of my curly and frizzy hair. Thinking about it over 10 years later still hurts my feelings.
56. In high school, I lost some of my best friends because they said hurtful things about other friends I had, and I don't regret it for a second.
57. You can usually tell if I'm having a bad day
58. I've never been past Winnipeg going east
59. Concerts are fun, but I wear earplugs to them!
60. I only have about 15% of my hearing left in my left ear because of surgery I went through when I was 14
61. Not such a big fan of chocolate... I mean... I like it, but what's the big deal?
62. I think God protected me during the times when I hung out with not-so-good people. Even though they did drugs and smoked and drank, I never gained the desire to copy them.
63. I'm not a big fan of my extended family, but I feel called to be a witness to them. Oh the irony... God is so funny
64. I could care less about my family history.
65. I try to be organized, but I usually get really busy and let it go
66. I am pretty traditional in my opinions about family roles. When the kids start comin, I'll be staying home to raise them!
67. I think my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
68. A lot of that love language book was pure quackery
69. I was a tomboy when I was young, and I still rarely wear makeup or a skirt to this day!
70. I was raised in the Pentecostal Church- but I didn't really get to know Jesus until a few years ago
71. I can sometimes be abrasive and sarcastic with people who are being stupid about their lives
72. Calan and I are the same age for 18 days starting tomorrow. I used to hate it, but now it seems kind of special! Happy 21st Birthday, Cal!
73. I am convinced that I am going to have a large family
74. I loved my english literature class more than anything else I took at Bible College last year
75. I'm not a fan of small talk, and I am obviously terrible at it
76. Rain is the coolest thing ever
77. The best things in life aren't things.
78. My sister and I could probably spend a full week in the mall sans children and have a blast together. We'd probably stop by the Value Village on the way home after that week
79. I am addicted to Coffee.
80. I think that paying more than $30 for jeans is a ripoff
81. I don't prioritize fixing my car ever.
82. I miss living in Brandon, mostly because of my church and Brett
83. If I could change one thing in my life, it would be to open my mouth when the Holy Spirit told me to tell someone about Jesus
84. I often feel like I'm not good with kids, but they seem to like me. I must be doing something right.
85. I have naturally curly hair.
86. Nothing gives me a greater feeling than to look out from the stage and see people worshipping in abandonment
87. When I meet new musicians, I size them up to see if I am as good as them or not
88. I have started saying "I get to go to work" instead of "I have to go" because I love what I am doing right now
89. I play hockey and golf as a lefty, but I am right handed
90. I have only had 2 boyfriends in my life. The first one was a little weird and creepy, and I don't think I will be getting rid of the second one anytime soon
91. When I was in grade 7, I had the world's biggest crush on Todd Armstrong. It brings shame just to think about it these days.
92. I think I have a lot of vision
93. My brother Tyler was a pastor for a while, and my biggest fear in ministry is finding out that it's not for me, because it wasn't for him.
94. I look up to each of my siblings and wish I had the gifts that they have
95. If I am busy, I don't notice that I am hungry, and won't sleep unless I absolutely have to
96. I try so hard not to say hurtful things to people because of what people have said to me in the past
97. I got a speeding ticket earlier this month and felt terrible about it
98. I wish I could see my nonChristian friends come to know God, but it's an extremely scary thought. What's even scarier is that most of them don't believe what will happen when they die.
99. I don't like goodbyes, and bawled every time I had to leave Brett and go back to school for the first semester of my first year. I still cry sometimes.
100. Grace flows down and covers me


Anonymous said...

I love your list!!! I am constantly changing mine cause I didn't know what to put! I miss you sooooo much!!!


Pastor Matt said...

...I miss you too Terrin *single tear drop*

Anyways, glad you're enjoying your internship, I'm praying for you.

I'll see you at modules!!!