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Monday, June 05, 2006

Love Winnipeg!!!

I forgot to tell you guys that we did a "love winnipeg" walk! we picked up over 50 bags of trash in our neighborhood! here's some pictures from the day!

half of our fearless leader team, shane!

(new haircut, new attitude!)

Denny and Janet enjoying an ice cream cone afterwards (Awwwww!)

Dennis with his cream slush... or whatever it is...

is that Georel? I don't rememember... but he's hard at work!

DJ... get back to work!

I guess there really aren't words to describe this one...

the other half of our fearless leader team.. PAM! she looks very happy with her ice cream


nope... THIS is Georel... i don't know who i was photographing!

more awwww!

Alyssa (aka JIMBOB) was a big help!

Family photo!

i bet you're wondering if i actually did some work... (the answer is yes!)

Jimbob and DJ

yet again...

Marilyn enjoying the airconditioning while she drives around and gives us water... it was probably 27 degrees or something....

back at it

rex in his lovely hawaiin shorts

Team photo!


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.