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Monday, May 22, 2006

My Internship: Week Three

Well, I went to post some pictures about 4 different times tonight, and I guess blogger just doesn't want me to share my world with you in pictures.

This was a pretty good week. The first couple of days were spent recuperating from YC Manitoba, which was really awesome. Nasser had some good words, the workshops were amazing, Michael Larson led some powerful times of worship, and I saw Barlow Girl and Audio Adrenaline! The most important thing is that I got to have such a good time with some of the youth! They were really impacted by the weekend, and I'm so excited for what they'll grow into when they get going in the church.

Tuesday marked my first rollerblade outing of the season, and it was very fun. Kalandra took the role of my rollerblading buddy, and she showed me some of the sights of Weston and the Brooklands. They're quite the neighborhoods! It's actually not all that bad living in the ghetto... it's much more hardcore ghetto than where Joe and Sarah live... you know... they live in teh upscale ghetto. But my place is whay ghetto-er than theirs lol. Anyway, I don't mind the place at all, I must say. We also spent the evening at the Forks with our friend Molly and took a bunch of pictures and ate a lot of candy. i would have posted them... but blogger is being a jerk!

I had an interesting turn of events on Thursday when I left the church and rolled over a bit on my ankle. I didn't think it was too terrible at first, so I tried to 'walk it off' on the way to my car, and found out that driving a standard with that ankle isn't all it's cracked up to be! I was in quite a fair bit of pain I say! But, I wrapped it, iced it, and by Saturday, I was back to healthy me in no time!

Friday marked my first sermon at Weston Gospel Church, where I preached to the youth about Spiritual Procrastination. I think it went well. I almost had a moment right before I preached where I was like "I should have put WAY more time into this", and then I just prayed for it, and God used what I had and multiplied it! Some of those kids were trippin out! Fridays, I'm finding out, are probably going to be the toughest day for me, because I'm up for prayer at 6, and then youth usually goes till 12 or 1. I try to even things out by going back to bed for a couple of hours after 7am.

Saturday, Brett came in to visit, and I must say, it was very nice to see him! Kind of strange in a new environment here though! It was kind of cool outside, and I was a little leary of doing anything too physical because of the ankle thing... so we went and meandered around the mall for a bit, and hung around the house, and we played taxi for the girls who all worked, because Dennis was trying to fix something that went wrong with their car. So, sorry we didn't do anything too overly exciting! I promise, next time, we'll do some fun and exciting things!

Hmmm.. that's about enough of the goings on... (besides the fact that we went to the Dueck's last night for fireworks and homemade cinnamon buns till 2 in the morning!!!!)

I've been slacking a bit in my call to die this week, but I've started tightening the reigns. Day 14 and 20 have really hit me hard! There are some hard questions in there that would be so easy to avoid... and I have been doing that a little bit, but I've really been trying to clamp down on it, and get to the bottom of things. It's quite a challenging book for those of you who aren't doing it. I highly recommend going to David Nasser's website and picking up a copy for yourself!

This week is of course going to be busy, with a mystery night coming up at youth! I, of course, know what the mystery is, and I hope we can pull it off! It seems like such a daunting task to get finished, but if it's done right, we're going to have so much fun!

Anyway, it's already 9, and I promised myself I would be in bed by 10:30. So I should go do some reading and get into my jammies in a little while.

Until next week.....

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