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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Youth Retreat at Red Rock


I just spent a couple of days with the youth and young adults from my church at Calvary Temple youth camp....

just... wow.

Dennis and I have been saying for weeks now that big things are about to happen this year with the youth. It was just awesome. We had pastor Alan come out for a bit, and he preached on Friday night about being a friend of God. Then he talked a bit about what happens when we say no to God.

I was superblessed with the rowdiest girls at the entire camp (I was sort of half camp staff/half counsellor, so they stuck me in a cabin for Friday night... I smartened up Saturday night and slept in the very warm and cozy staff cabin!). Mollie and I had our hands full till about 4 am with girls (such as Ainsley) saying "Terrin, Mollie, I have to go to the bathroom! There's bears outside! I'm afraid!" and our reply "go in twos and split up, the bear will only catch one of you!"

Saturday morning I preached on Nehemiah and compassion, preparedness and servanthood. It was good. The evening was the main event though. Dennis preached on "Destiny", then after that, we had a WICKED time at the altar (I got to minister on my guitar) and we just had a Holy Ghost time right there at the altar, and a lot of our kids got filled with the Holy Spirit.

I did worship for all the chapel times, it was fun. I have just come to realize that I really haven't lead worship all that much in my life, I'm usually the girl on another instrument. But lately, I've just sort of been drawn to doing it. So it was so much fun to do it acoustic and unplugged this weekend!

Anyway, I would share more, but i'm POOPED!

I'm leaving for saskatoon on next Sunday and Calvary is coming with. So I guess I'll see you all later!

until Mollie admits that I'm the gangster-est of all white bread gangsters,



Pastor Matt said...

That's awesome Terrin, I had several times this summer when I was so discouraged and feeling down, yet all of the sudden God would do something...not to me, but to one of my youth, and that's all it took to make me realize why I have the best job in the world.

See you soon!

mollie said...

yo wut it do homie..i had an amazing time with you at camp..and oh how i dont know what i would have done without out you last night..i probably would have gone to a cabin near CTYC and asked someone for a s****..but you came to my rescue!! terrin i am going to miss you so much when you go back to school..i have really come to love you..kinda like a big sis..iight well ima bounce ima go chill in my crizib..you my #1 homeslice fo sho!

oh yea and terrin on tha fo real..you are the gangster-est of all white bread gangsters..peace out homes

Anonymous said...

matt- you're right! we do have the best jobs in the world!

mollie- fo shiz man... you know i be all up in your grill when we game it this tuesday. fo sho! (lol!)


kastrukoff said...


You're as gansta as they get, and "they" being curly-haired, white girls. lol...

I'm super stoked to see you and I'm glad that you have a real God focused time at youth... and yes! You're leading.. that's awesome...
