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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

My Midsummer Ramblings

Point One:
It's amazing to see the faith of the elderly who are Christians. As most of you should know, I've started work as an assistant to the activities director at a personal carehome, known as The Sherwood. It's a neat place, with about 40 or so residents. It's a secular place, but religion was such a large part of life back in the day. There's many people there who still have all their ducks in a row, and there's some who insist that they need to get going home. I love them! Anyway, as I get to know some of them, I'm learning that there are some devout Christians hanging out there. One lady sat with me and talked to be about John 3:16 and how important the cross was. She is definitely with it, and the faith that she has is incredible!

Another lady I've been visiting with is so old that she doesn't even really know where she is. For those of you at school, it's Uncle Henry's mom. Yeah. But she really is an amazing lady. I've seen her at my mom and dad's church for many years now, but she doesn't really have much recollection of me. What interests me the most about seeing her is that even though she is deteriorating and can tend to be quite forgetful- she has it so ingrained in her routine that every morning she opens her Bible and studies it. The other day I asked what she was reading about, and she had no idea. But she insists on reading the word every day. I'm sure she's defintely getting fed.

Point Two:
Work minus air conditioning = one huge headache. And drowsiness. And sickness. I feel terrible!

Point Three:
I'm 21 now! I had a fairly normal day on my birthday this year. Led worship, watched Brett play baseball, had supper in Hamiota with Brett's folks, ate ice cream. Yeah!

Point Four:
No more sev! I'm done!
I miss people there, some I don't. Tina and I have already gone for supper. It was fun!

Point Five:
I can rollerblade! I didn't really know that I could. But I went out with Brett, and he didn't really laugh at me, and I didn't bif it or anything.

Point Six:
Leslee and Matt!!!!! Are you two free like maybe next weekend for a visit? Brett, you can come too if you want...

That's about it. My head is killing me! Damn this heat!


Pastor Matt said...

Terrin...which "next weekend" are we talking about? The 15-17 I am in Saskatoon, but I should be home for...pretty much the rest of the summer!

Seriously though, I can already hear the music to "Chariots of Fire" playing, as I slide, slow-motion over my car and into you...


Mrs. Ramsey said...

i was thinking like NOT the 15th to the 17th... the one after that, cuz i think les and lynton are in the states or something.... at least that's what mom tells me...

Leslee said...

Hey, I am here!!! And it's the 14th (I think!!) So you can come whenever you want to!!! I am sure we can SQUEEZE you in somewhere!

kastrukoff said...

Wow.. I surprised I haven't posted yet.... and you can come up here if they don't want you there Terrin! I got an extra bed!

JERKJ said...

Happy birthday. My mother died about seven months ago, after living in an Alzheimers home for 4 years. I enjoyed reading your observations of the faith-inspired. It gives me a little added boost for the day. On behalf of the old folks with whom you share your time to listen, thankyou for your kindness. Its holy work.